The Polizei-Regiment 1 was formed in 1939 from the Landespolizei Danzig. It fought in the invasion of Poland as part of Brigade Eberhardt and was transferred into the Heer on 18 October 1939 as Infanterie-Regiment 243 of the 60. Infanterie-Division.

The SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was formed in July 1942 in Berlin.
I/SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was sent to the Eastern Front and was attached to Heeresgruppe Nord. II/SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was split up into independent companies and was used by the SD on the Eastern Front. III/SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was sent to Upper Krajina, Slovenia, to fight the partisans.
I and III/SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was sent to France in March 1943 to form SS-Polizei Regiment 14. II/SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was sent to Maerish-Ostrau (in southern Russia) and was used to form a part of Polizei Schützen Regiment 31.

A new SS-Polizei Regiment 1 was raised in Hungary in August 1944 from elements of several other Police Regiments, but this unit soon lost two of its battalions. It was disbanded on 12 March 1945.

Order of battle (1939)

I / Polizei-Regiment 1
II. / Polizei-Regiment 1
III. / Polizei-Regiment 1
13. / Polizei-Regiment 1
14. / Polizei-Regiment 1

Order of battle

I/SS-Polizei Regiment 1
II/SS-Polizei Regiment 1
III/SS-Polizei Regiment 1

A Polizei Panzer Zug was planned but not formed.

Sources used

Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945
Werner Regenberg - Armored Vehicles and Units of the German Order Police
Georg Tessin, Hans-Adolf Neufeldt & Jürgen Huck - Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -