The Polizei-Schützen-Regiment 31 was formed in April 1943 and disbanded in April 1944.


Generalmajor der Polizei Heinrich Hannibal (? Apr 1943 - ? Aug 1944)
Major der Schutzpolizei Willy Vogt (? Aug 1944 - ? Apr 1945)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the Knight's Cross (1)
- Hannibal, Heinrich 23.08.1944 SS-Standartenführer und Oberst der Schupo Kdr SS-Pol.Schtz.Rgt 31 / Korpsgruppe von Gottberg

Holders of other notable badges & decorations

Holders of the Anti-Partisan Badge in Bronze (2)
- Claus, Bruno, 21.06.1944, Zugwachtmeister d. Schupo, I./Pol.-Schtz.Rgt. 31
- Häfner, Valentin, 21.06.1944, Oberwachtmeister d. Schupo d.R., 1./Pol.Schtz.Rgt. 31

Order of battle

I. Bataillon
II. Bataillon
III. Bataillon  

Sources used

Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945
Georg Tessin, Hans-Adolf Neufeldt & Jürgen Huck - Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -