The Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung II was formed in July or August 1941. It was used in anti-partisan operations in the Ukraine. It was disbanded in 1944 with surviving elements being used to strengthen the Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung I.

In 1943 "SS" was added to the name and it was known as the SS-Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung II.


Major Wilhelm Albrecht (? July 1941 - ? Apr 1942)
Major Wilhelm Hoffmann (? Apr 1942 - ? 1943)

Order of battle

1. Schwadron
2. Schwadron
3. Schwadron

Sources used

Research by Roland Pfeiffer
Stefan Klemp - "Nicht ermittelt" Polizeibataillone und die Nachkriegsjustiz

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -