A police cavalry battalion was formed in Jaslo in the Generalgouvernement (the parts of Poland that were occupied by Germany but not annexed by the it) in July 1941 with the name Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung Hahn. It was redesignated Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung I soon after formation. The first squadron was largely formed by personnel from Berlin, the second from Posen and Litzmannstadt and the third from Vienna.
The battalion was used in anti-partisan operations in the Generalgouvernement and Ukraine.
It suffered heavy losses during the fighting in 1944 and was strengthened by absorbing elements of the disbanded Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung II.

In 1943 "SS" was added to the name and it was known as the SS-Polizei-Reiter-Abteilung I.


Major Adolf Hahn

Order of battle (1941)

1. Schwadron (Hauptmann Günther Bock)
2. Schwadron (Hauptmann Aschrich)
3. Schwadron (Hauptmann Schwarzinger)

Police cavalry from Berlin in Poland November 1939, the first squadron was formed from these early units
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

Sources used

Research by Roland Pfeiffer
Stefan Klemp - "Nicht ermittelt" Polizeibataillone und die Nachkriegsjustiz
Antonio Muñoz - Hitler's White Russians

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -