The Formation de Combat (FC) was a paramilitary group formed by the Rexist movement in Wallonia, Belgium, on 9 July 1940. By 1942 most of the members had joined the Légion Wallonie, Garde Wallone or the NSKK and the organization was becoming insignificant.

In the summer of 1942 plans were made to organize a Hilfsgendarmerie as a replacement of the FC but that was a failure.


Rutger Simoens (July 1940 - Feb 1941)
Fernand Rouleau (Feb 1941 - Sep 1941)
Henrik Brahy (Sep 1941 - Feb 1942)
Albert Constant (Feb 1942 - Jan 1943)

Sources used

Eddy de Bruyne & Marc Rikmenspoel - For Rex and for Belgium: Léon Degrelle and Wallon Political & Military Collaboration 1940-45
Carlos Caballero Jurado - Resistance Warfare 1940-45
David Littlejohn - Foreign legions of the Third Reich, vol 2

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -