(Magyar Érdemrend)

Date Instituted

14 June 1922 (revived 1939)


Awarded for civil or military merit.

Number awarded

Order Of Merit Chain: 1
Grand Cross with Holy Crown of Hungary: 0/6
Grand Cross: 6/21
Commander Cross With Star: 21/46
Commander Cross: 39/92
Officer Cross: 40/262
Knight Cross: 210/1574
(without/with swords during the war)

Generalmajor Hans Doerr
(Courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Hungarian Defence Minister Károly Bartha with Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and Generalmajor Edmund von Glaise-Horstenau in Berlin 1941
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)


Awarded in these grades (with or without swords):
Order Of Merit Chain - by 1939 to prime minister (Horthy Miklós)
Grand Cross with Holy Crown of Hungary
Grand Cross
Commander Cross With Star
Commander Cross
Officer Cross
Knight Cross

Also known as the Hungarian Cross of Merit

Photo courtesy of Dimitar Shakadanov

Sources used

Christopher Ailsby - German World War 2 Medals & Political Awards: The Satellite States
David Littlejohn - Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol 3