by Gareth Collins

Formed in February 1941 when the area of control of the Marinebefehlshaber Kanalküste was expanded and re-organised. The area between the Somme and the Belgian-Dutch border was split between 4 Seekommandanten (Ostende, Dünkirchen, Calais & Boulogne). The Seekommandant Ostende was formed with the staff of Hafenkommandant Ostende who also retained its previous role. In December 1941 the command area was re-organised once again and the position of Seekommandant Ostende was dissolved.


Kapitän zur See Johannes-Henning Schneider (00 Feb 1941-00 Dec 1941)

Subordinate Commands & Units

Hafenschutzflottille Ostende
Marineausrüstungsstelle Ostende

Sources used

Research by Gareth Collins
Erich Gröner - Die Schiffe der deutschen Kriegsmarine und ihr Verbleib 1939-1945, J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, München (1976)
Hans H. Hildebrand - Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine nebst Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück(2000)
Hans H. Hildebrand & Ernest Henriot – Deutschlands Admirale 1849-1945, Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück (1989)
Hans H. Hildebrand, Albert Röhr & Hans-Otto Steinmetz – Die Deutschen Kriegsschiffe, Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg (1980)
Walter Lohmann & Hans H. Hildebrand – Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine, Verlag Hans-Henning Podzun, Bad Nauheim (1956)

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -