
Date Instituted

14 April 1939


Gold with diamonds
* Performing repeated acts above and beyond the call of duty
Gold with swords
* As above, and
* Performing above and beyond the call of duty
Silver with swords
* Taking part in several engagements
Silver without swords
* As above, and
* Performing above and beyond the call of duty
Bronze with swords
* Taking part in combat in Spain

Bronze without swords
* 3 months of service in Spain

Number Awarded

Gold with diamonds: 28
Gold with swords: 1.126
Silver with swords: 8.304
Silver without swords: 327
Bronze with swords: 8.462
Bronze without swords: 7.869

An additional 315 was awarded of a special next of kin version, the Cross of Honour for Relatives of the dead in Spain (Ehrenkreuz für Hinterbliebene Deutscher Spanienkämpfer)


Holders of the Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds

Known makers/markings

CEJ, 4, L/11, L/12, L/13, L/15, L/16, L/18, L/21, L/52
J. Godet u. Sohn (Diamonds and next of kin grades)

Estimated price (2009)

Gold with swords - €2.000
Silver with swords - €1.200
Silver without swords - €1.500
Bronze with swords - €750
Bronze without swords - €750
Next of kin - €2.500

Oberst Hannes Trauloft
(Courtesy of D.W. Paul)

Panzer soldier with the Spanish Cross
(Courtesy of KS)

Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma recieving his Spanish Cross
(Courtesy of William C Stump)


Photo courtesy of N & T Global Trading & Rob

Sources used

Christopher Ailsby - A collectors guide to the Kriegsmarine
Christopher Ailsby - World War 2 German medals and political awards
John R. Angolia - For Führer and Fatherland: Military awards of the Third Reich
David Littlejohn - Orders, decorations, medals and badges of the Third Reich
Detlev Niemann - Price Guide Germany 1871-1945 (2009)