The Freikorps Brüssow was formed in Berlin in January 1919.


Leutnant Brüssow

Formed in the area of

Generalkommando II. Armeekorps Stettin (Provinz Pommern & Povinz Posen)

Manpower strength


Notable members

- None known at this time -
(the ranks are the highest ranks reached in the Third Reich era)

Soldiers of Freikorps Brüssow

The banner of Freikorps Brüssow being handed over to SA in 1934
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

Sources used

Jill Halcomb Smith & Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris - Headgear of Hitler's Germany Vol 2
Georg Tessin - Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -