Division J (Divisioona J) was formed in August 1941 and disbanded in August 1942. It was an ad hoc staff to which various smaller units were temporarily subordinated.


Eversti Väinö Palojärvi (9 Aug 1941 - 7 Aug 1942)

Order of battle

Infantry Regiment 12
Infantry Regiment 14
Infantry Regiment 53
SS-Infanterie Regiment 9 (mot.)
Sissi Battalion 3
Maschinengewehr-Batallion 13 (mot.)
II./SS-Infanterie Regiment 7
I/Field Artillery Regiment 14
II/Field Artillery Regiment 16
III/Field Artillery Regiment 16
Fortification Artillery Battalion 6
II./SS-Artillerie Regiment "Nord"
Nebelwerfer Batterie
Engineer Battalion 15 (Mar-July 1942 only)
Fortification Construction Battalion 561
Signals Battalion 13 (or parts of it?)

Sources used

Research by Mikko H.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -