(Luftwaffe Ambulance Unit or Luftwaffe Mobile Medical Aid Detachment)
by Henry L. deZeng IV


The Luftwaffe’s Sanitätsbereitschaften were originally conceived as a fully motorized unit to incorporate the functions of a medical company and an ambulance section with 10 ambulances. In addition to the ambulances, it had an advanced surgical section and an advanced internal medicine section to provide non-specialized medical care close to the front. They were almost always stationed at or near an airfield to facilitate the rapid air evacuation of patients requiring specialized treatment to stationary hospitals in the rear areas. The KStN of 12 March 1941 called for a Stab and two medical platoons with 7 officers (3 surgeons, 2 assistant medical officers, 2 dentists), 34 NCOs, 30 men, 1 official and 6 nursing sisters for a total of 78 personnel. It was equipped with rifles or pistols for all but the nurses, 24 motor vehicles (including 10 ambulances), 2 heavy motorcycles with sidecars and 2 field kitchens. During the course of the war, a number of Sanitätsbereitschaften were expanded with additional equipment and personnel so they could be used as small advanced field hospitals. The personnel strength of the standard Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. in 1945 was 7 officers and 90 NCOs and other personnel. Not quite the size of a company, but close to it.

The Luftwaffe’s mobilization plan of 1 July 1939 called for a total of 67 Sanitätsbereitschaften to be in existence and operational by 1 September 1939. Each Kommando Flughafenbereich (airfield regional command) formed one to meet the requirements of the mobilization plan and more were set up to meet the needs of a widening war. In addition to those that carried independent numbers, there were others that were organic components of senior commands (e.g., Sanitätsbereitschaft d.Lw. bei Feldluftgaukommando XXVIII). It should be noted that those Sanitätsbereitschaften d.Lw. that were attached to the Lw.-Felddivisionen were, like the rest of these divisions, handed over to the Heer (Army) in October 1943.

The total number of Sanitätsbereitschaften formed during the war is not known, but a good educated estimate would be in the 100 to 115 range. There were 80 in existence in 1943-1944 and by 5 October 1944, when the fronts had retracted almost back to Germany’s pre-war borders, the number had fallen to a total of 51.

KStN: 5391 (L) for San.Bereitschaft (mot) d.Lw., dated 12 March 1941.
KStN: 5391 t for San.Bereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. (Trop).

Sources used

Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988), Bd. 3, pp.2041-45; Dierich, Wolfgang - Die Verbände der Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Gliederungen und Kurzchroniken – Eine Dokumentation (Stuttgart, 1976), pp.300-01; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321 roll 104/530-38); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 4 II/283 list dated 5.10.44.]


Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/I
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau I.
Dec 42: operating on the central sector of the Eastern Front and possibly attached to 12. Flak-Division.
20 May 44: at Czernawczyce/E Poland near Brest Litovsk under 12. Flak-Div.
Jun 44: casualties at Marina Gorka/65 km SE of Minsk.
Jan 45: casualties at Posen (Poznań)/NW Poland.
Feb – Mar 45: casualties reported in the defensive battle in and around Königsberg/East Prussia.
FpN: L 30946.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 1298/525); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/I
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau I.
Sep 39 – May 40: stationed in western Poland.
May 40 – Oct 40: Calais/NE France.
Oct 40 – Apr 41: ? (possibly refitting in Germany).
May 41 – ?: Greece.
20 Feb 42: central sector of the Eastern Front attached to VIII. Fliegerkorps.
11 Jun 42: in transfer via Kiev to the Kursk area for the opening of the German summer offensive.
Feb 43: listed as destroyed at Stalingrad. Subsequently rebuilt.
Dec 43: casualties in the Zhitomir area/W Ukraine.
Mar 45: casualties in Oberschlesien (Upper Silesia).
FpN: L 31136.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 166/526), (T-321 roll 115/001), (T-501 rear area documents); BA-MA Freiburg documents; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/I
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau I.
10 Sep 40: at Domart/NW of Amiens under Luftgaukdo. Belgien/Nordfrankreich.
Jan, Mar and Jun 43: Catania/Sicily operating as Lw.-Lazarett Catania under Italuft (General der deutschen Luftwaffe bei der Kgl. ital. Luftwaffe).
1 Sep 44: at Karlovac/Croatia but departed on 8 September 1944.
Nov 44: casualties at Pécs/S Hungary.
Feb 45: stationed in western Hungary.
Mar – Apr 45: withdrew into Austria.
FpN: L 32325.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 43/1151), (T-971 roll 33/347); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/I
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau I.
Apr 41 – Apr 43: advanced into Greece and then shipped to Crete in July 1941 where it remained to at least April 1943. Subsequently reassigned to the Panzer-Division Hermann Göring.
29 Dec 43: re-designated Sanitätsbereitschaft 1 Hermann Göring.
1945: re-designated 1. Sanitätsbereitschaft Fallschirm-Panzerkorps Hermann Göring.
FpN: L 33133.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: various intelligence documents; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/II
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau II (Poland) by renaming Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/III.
1940 – Jun 41: Poland and then moved to Neuhausen in East Prussia.
Jul 41: advanced into Russia, probably North Russia. Believed to have served in this theater to the end of the war.
15 Jan 44: Vishki/N Russia attached to 6. Flak-Division.
Feb – Feb 45: heavy casualties in Kurland (Courland)/NW Latvia.
c.1 Mar 45: disbanded (FpN deleted 16.3.45).
FpN: L 32031.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 70/167); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/68-73; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/II
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau II (Poland).
Apr – Jun 41: Balkan campaign.
18 Jul 41: Botosani/Romania under Luftflotte 4.
Aug – Oct 41: Balti/Romania under IV. Fliegerkorps.
21 May 42: at Kirovograd/C Ukraine.
Jan – Jun 44: withdrawing via Yarmolintsy and Kamenets-Podolski in western Ukraine to Mielec in south Poland.
Jul 44 – Apr 45: south Poland and Silesia.
FpN: L 10767.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140), (T-501 rear area documents); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/II
Formed summer 1940 in Luftgau II (Poland).
Jun 41: Wittenberg/East Prussia attached to Luftgaustab z.b.V. 10 for the attack on Russia.
Jul 41 – Dec 42: North Russia then transferred to Italy.
Feb 43: Bari/S Italy operating as Lw.-Ortslazarett Bari under Italuft (General der deutschen Luftwaffe bei der Kgl. ital. Luftwaffe).
Dec 43: casualties in Italy.
1944: no information.
Apr 45: possibly in Pomerania.
FpN: L 01380.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-971 roll 33/347); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/47-51; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/III
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
15 Nov 40: casualty in Belgium due to RAF bombing.
8 Jun 41: at Grodzisk Maz./Poland attached to I. Flakkorps.
9 Sep 41: Novgorod-Severski/NNE of Konotop in C Russia attached to I. Flakkorps.
6 Oct 41: arrived in Orel.
6 Jan 42: still under I. Flakkorps.
2 Feb 42: now in Gomel/Belorussia.
20 Jun 42: departed Borispol/SE of Kiev headed east to participate in the advance to Stalingrad.
1943: possibly transferred to Italy in spring 1943.
Apr 44: disbanded in western France (FpN deleted 11.4.44) and the personnel and other assets used to form Fallschirm-Sanitäts-Abt. 5/5. Fallschirmjäger-Div. in the Reims area.
FpN: L 30351.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 159/959, roll 1156/537, roll 1663/002), (T-313 roll 88/913, roll 90/218), (T-405 roll 44/187), (T-501 rear area documents); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/III
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
May 40 – May 41: Holland, Belgium and north-east France.
30 Jun 41: Dubno/SE Poland for the advance into western Ukraine.
11 Jun 42: in transfer via Poltava to Kiev.
1942-45: no further information, but it existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 31266.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 rear area documents); Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/III
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
10 May 42: in transfer to Poltava/E Ukraine for assignment to I. Flakkorps.
Fall 42: renamed Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/III.
FpN: L 30385.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 rear area documents); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/III  (1st Formation)
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
Early 40: renamed Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/II.
FpN: L 32031.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/III  (2nd Formation)
Formed fall 1942 by renaming Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/III.
Apr 42: North Russia attached to Lw.-Division Meindl/X. Armeekorps.
1943: Italy.
Jan 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 10.1.44).
FpN: L 30385.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-971 roll 49); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/III
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
1940: in Poland.
Jul 41: transferred from Orsha to Shatalovka airfield and probably attached to Luftgaustab z.b.V. 2.
25 Jul 42: Roslavl area attached to 1. Fliegerdivision.
Jan 43: reported casualty on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
1943-45: no further information but continued to the end of the war.
FpN: L 33315.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 170/605); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/295-99; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/III
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau III.
8 Jun 40: arrived in Oslo/Norway this date in a total strength of 86 officers and men.
28 Jun 40: transferred to Stavanger/SW Norway where it was setting up operations.
1940-45: Norway.
8 May 45: surrendered at Oslo-Kløfta with no officers and just 9 men on strength.
FpN: L 34395.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 987/559, roll 1049/565, roll 1074/657); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 7/III
Formed early summer 1942 in Luftgau III.
1943: Russia.
Jan – Apr 45: heavy casualties in Silesia.
FpN: L 51059.
(not known)
[Sources: Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 8/III
Formed early summer 1942 in Luftgau III.
1942-44: no information but probably employed in Russia, possibly with one of the Lw.-Felddivisionen.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 11.3.44).
FpN: L 49080.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 9/III
Formed early summer 1942 in Luftgau III.
27 Apr 43: arrived in Athens this date for employment as a Feld-Lazarett for the 11. Lw.-Feld-Division.
Feb 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 18.2.44).
FpN: L 51323.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 Heeresgruppe E/F microfilmed records); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 10/III
Formed early summer 1942 in Luftgau III.
Nov 42: at Årnes/c.50 km NE of Oslo.
Jul 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 10.7.44).
FpN: L 50197.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-77).

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 11/III
Formed October 1943 (FpN changed dated 27 Oct 43) in Athens/Greece by renaming Lw.-Lazarett Athen.
10 Apr 44: Athens functioning as Lw.-Ortslazarett Athen in a strength of 13 officers and 64 NCOs and men.
Sep 44: ordered to depart Athens as part of the German evacuation of the Aegean and Greece, and by 22 September was located at Skopje/Macedonia.
19 Oct 44: Skopje attached to 19. Flak-Division.
9 Nov 44: withdrawing and now at Kos.Mitrovica with 10 officers and 60 NCOs and men.  A week or so later located at Užice/Serbia.
Jan – Apr 45: located in the Zagreb area. Departed for Austria in late April or the first week in May.
FpN: L 53824.
Stabsarzt Dr. Kautzsch ( ?   -   ? )  4/44

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 1/IV
Formed spring or early summer 1940 in Luftgau IV.
10 May 42: in transfer to Stalino for assignment to 17. Flak-Div.
1944: in Italy.
1944-45: Vittorio-Veneto/NE Italy under Komm.Gen.d.Dt.Lw. in Italien.
FpN: L 21882.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321 roll 53/003ff), (T-501 rear area documents); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 2/IV
Formed spring or early summer 1940 in Luftgau IV.
10 Sep 40: in the Belgium – northeastern France area but its exact location is not known.
Aug 41: arrived in Athens.
Sep 42: in support of Lw.-Jägerbrigade Ramcke just west of El Alamein.
Nov 42: one man belonging to it reported missing during the withdrawal through Cyrennaica.
Mar 43: at El Djem in eastern Tunisia between Sousse and Sfax under Luftgaukdo. Tunis.
May 43: withdrew into the Cape Bon Peninsula with the other Axis forces in Tunisia and surrendered there on 10 May.
FpN: L 27485.

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 3/IV
Formed (spring or early summer 1940?) in Luftgau IV.
1940-43: no information.
Spring 43: renamed Sanitätsbereitschaft 2. Panzer-Div. Hermann Göring and then 2. Sanitätsbereitschaft Fallschirm-Panzerkorps Hermann Göring in December 1944. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 49219.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 4/IV
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau IV.
Apr 42: North Russia under Lw.-Division Meindl/X. Armeekorps.
27 Apr 42: casualties from artillery fire reported in or near Staraya Russa at the south end of Lake Ilmen.
Jun 42: more casualties in and around Staraya Russa.
Jan 44: at Vöru (Werro)/S Estonia and returning to Luftwaffe control after having been attached to the 1. Lw.-Feld-Division.
Apr 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 20.4.44).
FpN: L 28809 also see L 31063.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 71), (T-971 roll 49); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 5/IV  (1st Formation)
Formed late spring or early summer 1942 in Luftgau IV.
1942-44: no information, but probably employed in Russia.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 11.3.44).
FpN: L 51818.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 5/IV  (2nd Formation)
Formed February 1944 (FpN entered 3.3.44) as a component of the 13. Feld-Division (L). 29 May 1944 taken over by the Heer (Army) and renamed Sanitätsbereitschaft 513 and then on 5 December 1944 Sanitäts-Kp. 513 and Kranken-Kraftwagen-Zug 513.
FpN: L 25659.
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 6/IV
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau IV.
10 May 41: transferred from Oslo to Narvik in northern Norway.
Jul 41: Finland and still there in September 1941.
Sep 43: in Athens/Greece.
1944: Italy.
1945: existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 20994.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 1007/003); Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 7/IV
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau IV.
15 Jul 41: at Zamość/E Poland.
1941-45: no further information but it existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 39221.
(not known)
[Sources: BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/281-84.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 8/IV
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau IV.
18 Jul 41: at Focşani/SE Romania under Luftflotte 4.
Sep 41: Kherson/S Ukraine under IV. Fliegerkorps and still there in October.
1942-44: no information but it is probable that it remained in South Russia.
Aug 44: casualties at Focşani/SE Romania as German forces began their hasty retreat from Romania.
Nov 44 – Mar 45: casualties in Hungary.
FpN: L 37054.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 9/IV
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau IV.
Dec 40: located in the Ghent area under Luftgaukdo. Belgien/Nordfrankreich.
Feb – Oct 42: Rzhev on the central sector of the Eastern Front attached to 18. Flak-Division.
13 Oct 42: in transfer by train to Vyazma on the central sector of the Eastern Front and 115 km S of Rzhev.
1943: no information.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 25.3.44).
FpN: L 33978.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 300/068), (T-313 roll 258/215), (T-405 roll 43/1120); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 1/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
1940-42: no information.
1943: attached to 16. Lw.-Feld-Division in the Ijmuiden-Haarlem-Leiden-Scheveningen area of Holland.
May 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 18.5.44).
FpN: L 15234.
(not known)
[Sources: PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 2/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
1940-45: no information has been found. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 15956.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 3/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
23 Jul 41: At Orsha on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
4 Aug 41: casualties at Orsha from a Russian bombing.
1 Oct 41: central sector of the Eastern Front attached to 28. Inf.Div./AOK 9 (very unusual for a Luftwaffe unit to be attached to an Army unit).
13 Apr 42: had been operating a field hospital in the Orel-Bryansk-Roslavl area but was closed this date and transferred elsewhere.
Jun 44: eastern Poland or western Belorussia area.
Dec 44 – Jan 45: casualties at Łódź/C Poland. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 16429.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-313 roll 107/381), (T-321 roll 51); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations, particularly AIR 40/1979); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 4/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
Aug 43: at Beauvais/NE France attached to Koflug 19/XI (Beauvais).
Aug 44: casualties in northern France during the German retreat.
Oct 44: disbanded following the retreat to the German border (FpN deleted 5.12.44).
FpN: L 17078.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 44/467); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 5/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
9 Sep 41: operating in the Smolensk area on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
29 Aug 42: operating as a field hospital in a village near Vyazma on the central sector of the Eastern Front and attached to 18. Flak-Division.
Oct 43: casualties reported at Nevel and Vitebsk on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
1944: no information.
Aug 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 19.8.44).
FpN: L 17823.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-313 roll 88/913 and roll 258/215); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 6/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
1940-44: no information.
25 Aug 44: at Szombathely and Székesfehérvár in western Hungary with a total strength of 14 officers and 143 NCOs and men.
Jan 45: reported casualties in Hungary.
FpN: L 18097.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-77 roll 1421); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 7/VI
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau VI.
1 Jul 42: departed Borispol/SE of Kiev headed east.
25 Sep 42: arrived at Siverskaya on the Leningrad Front in north Russia. This seems inconsistent with the July 1942 information, although there was a shifting of forces from south Russia to the Leningrad area at this point in time.
1943-44: no information.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 25.3.44).
FpN: L 36750.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 847/978), (T-501 rear area documents); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 1/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
18 Feb 41: western France under Luftgaukdo. Westfrankreich.
1942-43: western France.
1944: western France with a 2. Zug/San.Ber. (mot) d.Lw. 1/VII in St.-Lô/Normandy.
Nov 44: disbanded following the retreat from France (FpN deleted 6.12.44).
FpN: L 16998.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 2/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
1939-42: no information.
Feb 43 and Jun 43: Trapani/Sicily operating as Lw.-Ortslazarett Trapani under Italuft.
1944: Italy.
Jan – Apr 45: Caldogno/NE Italy under Komm.Gen.d.dt.Lw. in Italien.
FpN: L 17327.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321 roll 53/003ff.), (T-971 roll 33/347); AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 3/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
1939-43: no information.
Jan 44: at Merimä/Estonia  -  returning to Luftwaffe control after having been attached to the 10. Lw.-Feld-Division.
13 Mar 44: released from the Heeresgruppe Nord area by order of OKH and transferred to Pinsk in eastern Poland to be used in forming Sanitäts-Kp. 69 for the 3. Kavallerie-Brigade, which was then being set up in Pinsk. Disbanded a few days later (FpN for San.Ber. (mot) d.Lw. 3/VII deleted 25.3.44).
FpN: L 18089.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 71), (T-312 roll 1279/700); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 4/VII (Trop)
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
Jun 41: in North Africa.
Mar and Jun 42: at Apollonia/WNW of Derna in Libya.
Feb 43: Rome operating as Lw.-Lazarett Rom under Italuft.
Mar 43: transferred to Sorrento/south of Naples and operated Lw.-Kurlazarett Sorrento.
30 Apr 43: casualties in Naples from Allied bombing.
1943-44: transferred to the Balkans.
Sep 44: in Negotin/Serbia.
1944-45: withdrew to Hungary and still there in March 1945.
FpN: L 19276.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-971 roll 33/347, roll 60); PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signals; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 5/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
Aug – Sep 41: departed München for Vilnius/Lithuania.
9 Nov 41: transferred from Orsha-South airfield in Belorussia to Warsaw/Poland.
15 Mar 43: casualties in Soviet air attack on Bakhmach to the west of Konotop.
Jun 43: still in Belorussia.
1944: no information.
20 Dec 44: renamed 4. Sanitätsbereitschaft/Fallschirm-Panzerkorps Hermann Göring and continued to the end of the war.
FpN: L 20206.
(not known)
[Sources: BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/288-92; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 6/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
1939-42: no information.
15 Aug 42: in transfer from Lublin/E Poland to Borispol/SE of Kiev headed east in a strength of 7 officers, 63 NCOs and men, 6 nurses and 26 motor vehicles.
1943-45: no information but existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 20968.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 rear area documents); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 7/VII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau VII.
1940: Hagenau/Alsace.
Fall 41: Daugavpils/Latvia.
Jan 42: Narva/Estonia and still there in August 1943.
12 Nov 44: stationed in the Memel area (Klaipéda)/East Prussia but now in Lithuania.
1945: existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 21605.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 228/569), (T-312 roll 810), (T-501 roll 86); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 8/VII
Formed spring or early summer 1942 in Luftgau VII.
1942-45: no information has been found. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 51563.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 9/VII
Formed spring or early summer 1942 in Luftgau VII.
16 Oct 42: transferred to Vyazma-Gradina airfield east of Smolensk? Possibly mistaken for San.Ber. (mot) d.Lw. 5/VII.
23 Nov 44: operating in Alsace under Heer (Army) control. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 51770.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 139/660); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/288-92).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 1/VIII (Trop)

Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau VIII by renaming Luftwaffen-Sanitäts-Bereitschaft Breslau, which had been formed in August 1939.
15 Nov 42: transported by air to Tunis/Tunisia this date where it set up a Lw.-Ortslazarett with (initially) 50 beds in an Italian civilian hospital.
1 Dec 42: reported 2 of its personnel killed by enemy fire at Tunis.
Apr – May 43: MIAs and other casualties in the Tunis area.
12 May 43: disbanded immediately following the Axis surrender in Tunisia this date.
FpN: L 25650.
(not known)
[Sources: Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988), Bd. 3, p.1537; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 2/VIII
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau VIII by renaming Luftwaffen-Sanitäts-Bereitschaft Brieg, which had been formed in August 1939.
14 Mar 42: stationed in Kiev/Ukraine.
14 Jul 42: departed Borispol/SE of Kiev headed east.
Sep 42: operating in Armavir/North Caucasia.
9 Jan 43: possible relocated to Kharkov after withdrawing from North Caucasia.
1943: Ukraine.
6 Nov 43: operating in Zhitomir as a field hospital specializing in general surgery and head wounds.
17 Sep 44: Kraków/S Poland  -  still specializing in head wounds and brain surgery.
11 Jan 45: Kraków under Luftgaukdo. VIII  -  total strength 10 officers and 85 NCOs and men. Employed in Silesia to the end of the war.
FpN: L 26433.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 87/1230, roll 218/1276, roll 222/954); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/300-02; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988), Bd. 5, p.4565.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 3/VIII
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau VIII by renaming Luftwaffen-Sanitäts-Bereitschaft Beneschau, which had been formed in August 1939.
18 Jul 41: Buzău/Romania under Luftflotte 4.
Sep 41: Kherson/S Ukraine under IV. Fliegerkorps, but moved to Perekop for the advance into Crimea in October.
31 Jan 42: reported one of its personnel killed in a plane crash at Sarabus/Crimea.
May 42: stationed in Yalta/Crimea.
1943: Crimea – Ukraine area.
1944: Greece. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 27950.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140), (T-501 roll 63/274); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 4/VIII
Formed February 1944 (FpN entered 10.2.44) by renaming Sanitäts-Kp./Lw.-Feld-Division 7, which had been formed in Fall 1942.
1944: Ukraine and Romania.
1 Sep 44: at Melenci/Serbia, probably after withdrawing from Romania.
Mar 45: disbanded (FpN deleted 27.3.44).
FpN: L 49480.
(not known)
[Sources: PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 5/VIII
Formed February 1944 (FpN entered 9.2.44).
Aug 44: casualties in Romania. Existed to the end of the war, probably employed in either Hungary or Slovakia.
FpN: L 51927.
(not known)
[Sources: Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft  (mot) d.Lw. 6/VIII
Formed early1944 without a Feldpost number, meaning it was a component of a higher unit or command.
Jun 44: operating at Temesul de Sus/Romania in a strength of 4 officers and 56 NCOs and men.
FpN: none.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-77 documents).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/XI
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XI.
13 Mar 43: at Siverskaya on the Leningrad Front assigned to 6. Flakdivision.
15 Jan 44: still at Siverskaya, but now assigned to the 2. Flakdivision.
10 Nov 44: now at Hülchrath/10 km SSW of Neuss near Düsseldorf and still assigned to the 2. Flakdivision.
FpN: L 32524.
(not found)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945; NARA WashDC:  RG 242 (T-311 roll 70/167; roll 72); (T-312 roll 914).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/XI
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XI.
1 Nov 40: 8 of its personnel killed in RAF night raid on airfields in the Amsterdam area.
Apr 41: Amsterdam operating as Lw.-Lazarett Amsterdam.
Jan and Mar 43: Milan/NW Italy attached to 5. Flak-Division.
May 44: Italy under Luftflotte 2.
1945: existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 28249.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-971 roll 33/347); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/241; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/XI
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XI.
1940-41: no information.
May 42: probably in the Luftgaukdo. Belgien/Nordfrankreich area.
1943-45: no information, but it existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 06950.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 43/1024); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/XI
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XI.
10 Sep 40: at Samer/SE of Boulogne under Luftgaukdo. Belgien/Nordfrankreich.
10 May 42: in transfer to Poltava/E Ukraine for assignment to I. Flakkorps.
1943-44: Balkans.
Feb 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 14.2.44).
FpN: L 06950.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 43/1152), (T-501 rear area documents); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/XI
Formed summer 1940 in Luftgau XI.
Sep 40: stationed at Maldeghem/Belgium.
1941-43: Russia?
Aug – Sep 43: heavy casualties along the Mius River north of Taganrog in eastern Ukraine.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 11.3.44).
FpN: L 05793.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 43/1149); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/XI
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XI.
18 Jul 41: at Timişul/Romania under Luftflotte 4.
Sep 41: at Nikolayev-East airfield in S Ukraine.
Oct 41: moved forward to Chaplinka airfield/80 lm SE of Kherson under IV. Fliegerkorps.
1942: South Russia.
1943: transferred to the Balkans.
30 Sep 44: arrived at Gross Betscherek (Zrenjanin) airfield in the Banat NE of Belgrade to replace a Lw-Feldlazarett that had been stationed there.
Dec 44: casualties in Hungary.
Mar 45: in the Luftgau XVII area (Croatia, Hungary or Austria).
FpN: L 20026.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 7/XI
Formed fall 1940 in Luftgau XI.
Jul 42: stationed at Simferopol/Crimea.
18 Apr 44: Crimea under I. Fliegerkorps; had numerous casualties during the evacuation of Crimea in late April/early May 1944.
May – Aug 44: Romania.
Sep 44 – Mar 45: Hungary.
FpN: L 12984.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 63/893), (T-971 roll 13/163); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 8/XI

Formed spring-summer 1940 in Luftgau XI.
1940-43: no information has been found.
Jan 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 13.1.44).
FpN: L 32339.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 9/XI
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XI.
8 Oct 41: transferred from Konotop to Orel in Belorussia.
20 Feb 42: central sector of the Eastern Front directly under VIII. Fliegerkorps.
May 42 – Feb 43: Spas-Demensk operating as a field hospital attached to 12. Flak-Division.
15 Feb 43: half of the unit departed Spas-Demensk and set up in Lokot this date.
Mar 43: moved to Ordzhonikidzrgrad (Bezhitsa)/9 km NNW of Bryansk.
Jun 43: now operating in Orel.
Jul 43: moved to Sel’tso attached to Lw.-Sanitäts-Abt./12. Flak-Division.
1943-44: Belorussia and eastern Poland.
Jan 45: numerous casualties in the Warsaw-Radom area in Poland. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 25585.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 166/526, roll 175/380, roll 205/361, roll 209/760ff), (T-313 roll 150/706, roll 175); PRO London: AIR 40/1979; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 10/XI
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XI.
Jul 42: stationed in Novo Dugino/65 km S of Rzhev on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
Aug 43: casualties reported from Russia air attack on Orsha.
1943-44: Belorussia and eastern Poland.
Jan 45: casualties at Radom and Kraków in Poland.
FpN: L 26379.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 299/179); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 11/XI
Formed spring-summer 1940 in Luftgau XI.
1940-45: no information has been found.
FpN: L 13493.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 12/XI
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XI.
18 Jul 41: in Conştanta/Romania under Luftflotte 4.
1942-43: Russia.
Feb 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 23.2.44).
FpN: L 45472.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 13/XI
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XI.
Jun 41: at Siedlce airfield in eastern Poland.
1941-42: transferred to North Africa at the end of 1941 or early 1942.
Dec 42: casualties at Tripoli/Libya.
Sep 43: casualties in Naples/Italy.
1943-44: Italy.
1945: stationed in Sarnico on Lake Iseo in North Italy under Komm.Gen.d.dt.Lw. in Italien.
FpN: L 27042.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321 roll 53/003ff); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/272-73); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/XII
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XII.
18 Sep 40: at Arpajon near Paris, but departed this date to an unstated location in France.
Dec 41: Russia.
1944: Italy. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 32630.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/XII

Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XII.
1940-45: no information other than it was stationed in western France at one time or another. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 33192.
(not known)
[Sources: PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/XII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XII.
1940-45: no information other than it was stationed in western France in 1940 and 1941. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 13271.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/XII
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau XII.
1940-43: no information found.
Mar 44: casualties reported in or around Odessa.
Aug 44: casualties in Romania.
Jan – Mar 45: numerous casualties in the Königsberg-Pillau area in East Prussia.
FpN: L 33837.
(not known)
[Sources: Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s).]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/XII
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau XII.
18 Feb 41: in western France.
May 41: in western France under Luftgaukdo. Westfrankreich.
1942: operating in the Bryansk area on the central sector of the Eastern Front.
12 Jul 42: transferred from Bryansk to Dugino/65 km S of Rzhev to provide medical support for an anti-partisan operation.
1942-45: no information, but it existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 34200.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321), (T-501 roll 65/100, roll 72); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/XII  (1st Formation)
Formed spring-summer 1942 in Luftgau XII.
1943: operating as a Lw.-Lazarett at Siverskaya airfield on the Leningrad Front in northern Russia.
May 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 18.5.44).
FpN: L 51742.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 867/237); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/XII  (2nd Formation)
Formed March 1944 (FpN entered 31.3.44) for the 12. Feld-Division (L).
Jan 45: casualties in East Prussia. Existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 48324.
(not known)
[Sources: Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 7/XII  (1st Formation)
Formed spring-summer 1942 in Luftgau XII.
1943-44: Balkans.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 25.3.44).
FpN: L 50392.
(not known)
[Sources: PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 7/XII  (2nd Formation)
Formed July 1944 (FpN entered 26.7.44) for the 17. Feld-Division (L).
Oct 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 26.7.44).
FpN: L 38102.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/XIII
Formed spring 1940 in Luftgau XIII.
Nov 40: in western France.
1941-43: no information, but probably in France.
Apr and Jun 44: Arles/S France with 1. Zug detached in Aubenas/105 km N of Arles.
6 Oct 44: in Bischwiller/8 km SE of Haguenau/Alsace with 7 officers and 95 NCOs and men.
23 Nov 44: still in Alsace, but now under Heer (Army) control.
1945: existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 33031.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 139/449 and 660), (T-405 roll 10/9000); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/XIII (LL)
Formed spring 1941 in Luftgau XIII with special training and equipment for Luftlande (air landing) operations.
4 May 41: arrived at Breslau-Schöngarten from Schweinfurt this date.
1941-43: no information.
9 Dec 43: transferred to Daugavpils/Latvia from another theater.
1944: no information.
Dec 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 30.12.44).
FpN: L 02828.
(not known)
[Sources: BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20/20/11 and 20/281-84; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/XIII
Formed early 1940 in Luftgau XIII.
1942: France.
1943-44: no information.
May 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 18.5.44).
FpN: L 20824.
(not known)
[Sources: PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/XIII
Formed spring-summer 1940 in Luftgau XIII.
18 Oct 41: at Kalinin/NW of Moscow.
20 Feb 42: central sector of the Eastern Front attached to VIII. Fliegerkorps.
31 May 42: in transfer to the Kursk area.
22 Dec 42: casualties at Stalingrad-Pitomnik airfield from Soviet artillery fire.
Feb 43: listed as one of the units destroyed at Stalingrad.
8 Mar 43: remnants at Mariupol/SE Ukraine, San.Ber. (mot) d.Lw. 4/XIII subsequently rebuilt.
1943-44: no information.
May 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 3.6.44).
FpN: L 08524.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 166/526), (T-321 roll 115/001ff), (T-501 rear area documents); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/XIII
Formed spring-summer 1940 in Luftgau XIII.
Feb 43: in Genoa/Italy under Italuft (General der deutschen Luftwaffe bei der Kgl. ital. Luftwaffe).
1944: Italy.
1945: in Udine/NE Italy under Komm.Gen.d.dt.Lw. in Italien.
FpN: L 08524.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321 roll 53/003ff), (T-971 roll 33/347); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/XIII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XIII.
1939-41: no information.
8 Jun 41: at Grodzisk Maz./Poland attached to I. Flakkorps preparing for the attack on Russia.
8 Jul 41: advanced into Belorussia with I. Flakkorps.
9 Sep 41: Konotop area and still under I. Flakkorps.
6 Oct 41: in Sevsk, between Konotop and Bryansk.
26 May 42: in transfer via Uman/W Ukraine to Stalino for assignment to 15. Flak-Division in a strength of 6 officers, 74 NCOs and men, and 26 motor vehicles.
24 Aug 44: at Timisul de Sus (Timisu de Sus?)/14 km S of Braşov in central Romania.
26-31 Aug 44: reported casualties at Ploeşti/Romania.
1944-45: no information, but existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 38428.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 159/959), (T-313 roll 82/793, roll 88/913, roll 90/218), (T-501 rear area documents); Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München], Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s); Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945; Prien, Jochen - Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 77, 4 Bde (Teile 1 – 4) (Eutin, c. 1992-93), p.2130.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 1/XVII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XVII.
18 Jul 41: Iasi/E Romania.
Sep 41: Chaplinka airfield/S Ukraine.
Oct 41: Mariupol/SE Ukraine under IV. Fliegerkorps.
18 Sep 42: casualties at Rossoshka/26 km WNW of Stalingrad.
1943: S Russia then transferred to Italy.
1944: Italy.
1945: no information, but existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 39779.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-405 roll 49/140); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Loss Reports; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 2/XVII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XVII.
1941: Sicily.
1942-44: no information.
7 May 45: Norway  -  1. Zug in Trondheim, 2. Zug in Stavanger.
FpN: L 33645.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 1074/657); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 3/XVII  (Trop)
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XVII.
Jun 41: North Africa.
28 Dec 41: operating in the Sirte area/Libya.
16 Mar 42: at Maraua and Martuba/Libya.
1943: Balkans.
1944-45: no information, but existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 33835.
Oberstabsarzt Dr. Hans Fischer ( ?   -   ? )  12/41
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-971 roll 60); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 4/XVII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XVII by renaming Lw.-San.Bereitschaft Brünn.
1939-42: no information.
Sep 42: in Armavir/North Caucasia.
1943-44: no information.
Aug 44: Romania operating as Lw.-Lazarett Buzău.
Sep 44 – 1945: in the Luftgau XVII area, probably Hungary.
FpN: L 30302.
(not known)
[Sources: Fischer, Hubert - Der deutsche Sanitätsdienst 1921-1945, 5 Bde (Osnabrück, 1982-1988), Bd. 5, p.4565; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München, Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde (München, 1960’s);Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 5/XVII
Formed August 1939 in Luftgau XVII by renaming Lw.-San.Bereitschaft Kösen.
18 Feb 41: in western France under Luftgaukdo. Westfrankreich.
1943-44: still in France.
1945: existed to the end of the war.
FpN: L 28567.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-321); PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 6/XVII
Formed spring 1942 in Luftgau XVII.
1942-44: no information has been found, but it probably was sent to Russia and/or assigned to one of the Lw.-Feld-Divisionen.
Mar 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 21.3.44).
FpN: L 50747.
(not known)
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.]

Sanitätsbereitschaft (mot) d.Lw. 7/XVII

Formed ? No Feldpost number issued to this unit.
28 Oct 44: one Zug (9 NCOs and 23 men) stationed in Memel (Klaipéda)/East Prussia (but now in Lithuania) under Kampfkommandant/XXVIII. Armeekorps. No further information.
FpN: none issued.
(not known)
[Sources: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 217/1078).]