The X Fliegerkorps was formed in October 1939 from 10. Flieger-Division and was disbanded in September 1944.

On 19 February 1940 the destroyers Z-1 Leberecht Maass, Z-3 Max Schultz, Z-4 Richard Beitzen, Z-6 Theodor Riedel, Z-13 Erich Koellner and Z-16 Friedrich Eckoldt from the 1. Zerstörerflottille sortied into the North Sea in response to suspicious activities from British vessels at the Dogger Bank (Operation Wikinger) without the requested fighter cover.
A Heinkel He 111 from X Fliegerkorps on an anti-shipping operation passed the ships without giving any recognition signals so it was assumed to be a British aircraft and the ships opened fire, in return the aircraft assumed that the ships were British and attacked, sinking the Z-1 Leberecht Maass. The other destroyers attempted to rescue the crew and the Z-3 Max Schultz soon exploded and sank, probably after hitting a mine. A total of 578 German sailors was killed in this "friendly fire" incident due to lack of communication between the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe.


General der Flieger Hans Geisler (2 Oct 1939 - 3 June 1940)
General der Flieger Bernhard Kühl (3 June 1940 - 20 Sep 1940)
General der Flieger Hans Geisler (20 Sep 1940 - 31 Aug 1942)
General der Flieger Otto Hoffmann von Waldau (31 Aug 1942 - 31 Dec 1942)
Generalleutnant Alexander Holle (31 Dec 1942 - 22 May 1943)
General der Flieger Martin Fiebig (22 May 1943 - 1 Sep 1944)

Order of Battle (June 1941)

Aufklärungsgruppe 14
Aufklärungsgruppe 121
Aufklärungsgruppe 122
Aufklärungsgruppe 123
Jagdgeschwader 27
Kampfgeschwader 26
Kampfgeschwader 30
Kampfgeschwader zbV 1
Kampfgeschwader zbV 172
Kampfgruppe zbV 9
Küstenfliegergruppe 506
Lehrgeschwader 1
Seeaufklärungsgruppe 126
Sturzkampfgeschwader 1
Sturzkampfgeschwader 3
Zerstörergeschwader 26

Notable members

Walter Lehweß-Litzmann (the highest ranking Luftwaffe officer in the Soviet-sponsored Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland, post-war Oberst in the Nationale Volksarmee)

Sources used

Research by Gareth Collins
Cajus Bekker - Hitler's Naval War
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur - Wer war wer in der DDR?  Ein Lexikon ostdeutscher Biographien

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -