The Luftwaffe Regiment General Göring was formed on 24 September 1935 when the Polizei Regiment General Göring was transferred from the police to the Luftwaffe.
Parts of this unit (I. Jäger-Bataillon/RGG and 15. Pionier-Kompanie/RGG) were transferred to Döberitz in January 1936 for parachute training. These troops were to be the cadre of the future German paratroopers. They were separated from the regiment in March 1938 and redesignated I. / Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 1.

The Regiment General Göring was one of the units that entered Austria in March 1938 and later Sudetenland in October 1938 and Prague in March 1939.

Only a small part of the regiment fought in Poland while most of it remained in Berlin as anti-aircraft troops and guarding Göring's headquarters. After the fall of Poland parts of it was sent to the western front using the false designations Flak-Regiment 101 and Flak-Regiment 103.

Parts of it (a company of the Wach-Bataillon, a Kradschützen-Kompanie and some Flak-troops) took part in the invasion of Denmark and later in Norway.
The other parts of the regiment was stationed on the Dutch frontier before joining the German invasion of Holland. It fought in Holland and Belgium and was later stationed on the Channel coast and Paris before returning to Berlin late 1940.

It was sent to Romania during the Balkan campaign to be used as anti-aircraft troops at the Romanian oilfields. It later took part in the invasion of the Soviet Union fighting at Radziechow, Kiev and Brjansk.
Most of the regiment returned to Germany for refitting at the end of 1941 with the exception of a Schützen-Bataillon which remained until in April 1942.

It was upgraded to a brigade in July 1942 redesignated Brigade Hermann Göring.


Oberstleutnant Friedrich Wilhelm Jakoby (24 Sep 1935 - 12 Aug 1936)
Major Walther von Axthelm (13 Aug 1936 - 31 May 1940)
Oberst Paul Conrath (1 June 1940 - 14 July 1942)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the German Cross in Gold (4)
- Geicke, Werner, 13.01.1942, Hauptmann, Kdr. IV./Flak-Rgt. "General Göring"
- Hullmann, Werner, 13.01.1942, Major, Kdr. I./Flak-Rgt. "General Göring"
- Schulz, Robert, 06.03.1942, Hauptmann, 2./Flak-Rgt. "General Göring"
- Üxküll, Eduard Graf von, 02.12.1941, Oberleutnant, 2./Flak-Rgt. "General Göring"
Holders of the Knight's Cross (4)
- Conrath, Paul 04.09.1941 Oberst Kdr Flak-Rgt (mot) „General Göring“
- Graf, Rudolf 06.10.1941 Oberleutnant Chef 1./Flak-Rgt (mot) „General Göring“
- Itzen, Dirk 23.11.1941 Leutnant Erkundungs-Offizier i. d. 3./Flak-Rgt (mot) „General Göring“
- Roßmann, Karl 12.11.1941 Oberleutnant Chef 16./Flak-Rgt (mot) „General Göring“

Order of battle (Oct 1937)

Regimentstab RGG
- Nachrichtenzug
- Musikkorps
I. (schwere) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
- Stab
- Stabsbatterie
- 1. Batterie (8.8 cm)
- 2. Batterie (8.8 cm)
- 3. Batterie (8.8 cm)
- 4. Batterie (3.7 cm)
II. (leichte) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
- Stab
- 5. Batterie (2.0 cm)
- 6. Batterie (2.0 cm)
- 7. Batterie (2.0 cm)
III. Wach-Bataillon/RGG
- Stab
- Nachrichtenzug
- Reiterzug
- 8. Kradschützen-Kompanie
-- Pz.Späh-Zug
- 9. Wach-Kompanie
- 10. Wach-Kompanie
IV. Fallschirmschützen-Bataillon/RGG
- Stab
- Nachrichtenzug
- 11. Fallschirmschützen-Kompanie
- 12. Fallschirmschützen-Kompanie
- 13. Fallschirmschützen-Kompanie
- 14. Fallschirmschützen-MG-Kompanie
- 15. Fallschirm-Pionier-Kompanie

Order of battle (Nov 1938)

Regimentstab RGG
- Musikkorps
- Stabsbatterie
I. (schwere) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
II. (leichte) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
III. Scheinwerfer-Abteilung/RGG
IV. (leichte) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
- Reiterzug
- 9. Wach-Kompanie
- 10. Wach-Kompanie
- 11. Wach-Kompanie
Luftlande-Bataillon/RGG (disbanded Aug 1939)

Order of battle (Aug 1939)

Regimentstab RGG
- Musikkorps
- Stabsbatterie
I. (schwere) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
II. (leichte) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
III. Scheinwerfer-Abteilung/RGG
IV. (leichte) Flak-Abteilung/RGG
- Reiterschwadron/RGG
- 9. Wach-Kompanie
- 10. Wach-Kompanie
- 11. Wach-Kompanie
1. (schwere) Eisenbahn-Flak-Batterie
1. (leichte) Flak-Batterie

Order of battle (15 Jun 1941)

Regimentsstab General Göring (Oberst Conrath)
- Nachrichtenzug (Oberleutnant Schirmer)
- Werkstattzug/RGG (Amtmann Gmelch)
- Transport Group (Hauptmann Kumacsek)
I. Flak-Abteilung/RGG (Major Hullmann)
- 1. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Oberleutnant Graf)
- 2. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Hauptmann Schulz)
- 3. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Hauptmann Schröder)
- 5. Batterie (12 x 2cm) (Hauptmann Neubauer)
IV. Flak-Abteilung/RGG (Hauptmann Geicke)
- 6. Batterie (9 x 3.7cm) (Oberleutnant Behrends)
- 15. Batterie (6 x 2cm; 6 x 3.7cm) (Hauptmann Beinhofer)
- 16. Batterie (mot S Ketten) (12 x 2cm) (Oberleutnant Roßmann)
Schützen-Bataillon/RGG (Hauptmann Funck)
- 8. Batterie (mot S Rader) (12 x 2cm) (Hauptmann Seewald)
- 1. Schützen-Kompanie (Oberleutnant Krohn)
- 3. Schützen-Kompanie (Hauptmann Brandenburg)
- Kradschützen-Kompanie (Hauptmann Preuß)
II. Flak-Abteilung/Flak-Regiment 43 (Major Karlhuber)
- 6. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Oberleutnant Rengermann)
- 7. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Oberleutnant Wittkowsky)
- 8. Batterie (4 x 8.8cm) (Oberleutnant Hagel)
- 9. Batterie (12 x 2cm) (Oberleutnant Belau)
- 10. Batterie (12 x 2cm) (Hauptmann Schlechtweg)

Notable members

Dr. jur. Heinz Göring (nephew of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring; killed in action 29 July 1944 near Pogorzel, east of Warsaw; posthumously promoted to Hauptmann)


The "L.P.G. General Göring" cuff title was used by this unit until 23 Mar 1936 when it was replaced by the "General Göring" cuff title.

Standard of I. Jäger-Bataillon/RGG, made an independent unit in 1938 as I./Fallschirmjäger-Reigment 1
(Courtesy of Wikimedia)

Sdkfz 231 of Regiment General Göring in early 1942
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

Sources used

Roger James Bender & George A. Petersen - Hermann Göring: From Regiment to Fallschirmpanzerkorps
Franz Kurowski - The history of the Fallschrim Panzerkorps Hermann Göring
Alfred Otte - The HG Panzer Division

Reference material on this unit

Roger James Bender & George A. Petersen - Hermann Göring: From Regiment to Fallschirmpanzerkorps
Franz Kurowski - The history of the Fallschrim Panzerkorps Hermann Göring
Alfred Otte - The HG Panzer Division (originally published in Germany as Die Weissen Spiegel)
Bruce Quarrie - Fallschirmpanzerdivision ‘Hermann Göring’
Gordon Williamson - The ‘Hermann Göring’ Division