The Germanske SS Norge (GSSN) was formed 21 May 1941 as Norges SS despite the fierce opposition from Vidkun Quisling, the leader of Nasjonal Samling. It was technically a formation within Nasjonal Samling but Quisling had no control over it.
The Norges SS was renamed Germanske SS Norge 21 July 1942.

An organisation of contributors to the Germanske SS Norge was formed, the Støttende Medlemmer (SM). The SM was a copy of the german Fördernde Mitglieder (FM) and it had 3.422 members 30 Sep 1944.

A lot of the members served in the various units manned by Norwegians fighting on the Eastern front, such as Freiwilligen Legion Norwegen and SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Norge of SS Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Division Nordland. It also formed a company made up of only GSSN members and it was the only Germanic SS formation that was used as a front-line formation.

Stabsleder GSSN Leif Schøren also served as Stabsführer of SS-Oberabschnitt Nord.


Jonas Lie (May 1941 - Jan 1945)
Sverre Riisnæs (Jan 1945 - May 1945)


May 1943 931
Nov 1943 1.137
June 1944 1.216
Dec 1944 1.285



Vidkun Quisling inspecting Germanske SS Norge (GSSN)
(Courtesy of Harald)

Germanske SS Norge marching 1943 with Knut Aanonsen and Th. Hvistendahl in front
(Courtesy of Bjørn Jervås)

Sources used

Andrew Mollo - Uniforms of the SS: Collected Edition

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -