Year Full (km) Partial (km) Length of line
1933 2.646 739 53.816
1934 1.545 987 53.871
1935 1.336 645 54.331
1936 1.350 645 54.458
1937 1.238 1.560 54.522
1938 1.026 1.685 62.942
1939 1.497 1.200 72.656
1940 1.381 761 75.553
1941 2.077 1.186 78.257
1942 1.771 1.295 78.730
1943 2.039 1.013 (1) 78.879
1944 1.700 (2) 1.155 (1) 75.763


1. Estimate
2. Preliminary figure

Sources used

Alfred C. Mierzejewski - The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the German National Railway 1933-1945