The SS-Polizei Regiment-Alpenvorland was formed in June 1944 in Italy as SS-Polizei Regiment-Alpenland but was soon renamed Alpenvorland. It was used to combat the partisans and I/SS-Polizei Regiment Alpenvorland was destroyed in January 1945 near Triest.

The remaining elemets of this regiment were used to reform SS-Polizei Regiment 9.


Oberst der Schutzpolizei Köllner (15 July 1944 - 20 Oct 1944)

Order of battle

I/SS-Polizei Regiment Alpenvorland
II/SS-Polizei Regiment Alpenvorland
III/SS-Polizei Regiment Alpenvorland

Sources used

Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945
Georg Tessin, Hans-Adolf Neufeldt & Jürgen Huck - Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -