The Lettisches Freiwilligen Polizei Regiment 3 was formed in Feb 1944. It was first used in anti-partisan duties and later as a frontline unit.
It was disbanded in August 1944 with its manpower going to the Lettisches Freiwilligen Polizei Regiment 1 Riga.


Waffen-Obersturmbannführer Alberts Kleinbergs (? Feb 1944 - 31 Aug 1944)

Chief of Staff

Waffen-Obersturmbannführer Nikolajs Rusmanis (? Feb 1944 - ?)

Order of battle (February 1944)

317. Schuma Btl. (Waffen- Hauptsturmführer Zanis Krumins)
318. Schuma Btl. (Waffen- Hauptsturmführer Zanis Mitenbergs)
321. Schuma Btl. (Waffen-Obersturmbannführer Peteris Pencuks)

Published sources used

Osvalds Freivalds (editor) - Latviesu karavirs otra pasaules kara laika Vol. 4
Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -