The Polizei-Regiment Mähren was formed in May 1939 and was used to form SS-Polizei-Regiment 21 in July 1942.


Generalmajor der Polizei Paul Worm (? May 1939 - ? Feb 1940)
Generalmajor der Polizei Alfred Karrasch (? Feb 1940 - ? Oct 1941)

Order of battle (1939)

Polizei-bataillon I/2
Polizei-bataillon II/2
Polizei-bataillon III/2
Polizei-bataillon IV/2

Order of battle (1941)

Polizei-bataillon Brünn
Polizei-bataillon Iglau
Polizei-bataillon Holleschau

Sources used

Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945
Georg Tessin, Hans-Adolf Neufeldt & Jürgen Huck - Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -