The SS-Polizei-Brigade Anhalt was formed in July 1944. It took part in anti-partisan operations in Belorussia and also saw front line service under the 4. Armee when the Red Army offensive forced the German forces to retreat into its area of operations. It was dissolved in August 1944.


SS-Standartenführer Günther Anhalt (15 July 1944 - ? Aug 1944)

Order of battle (May 1944)

SS-Polizei-Regiment 2
SS-Polizei-Regiment 24
SS-Sonder-Btl. "Dirlewanger"
1. und 3. Batterie/Polizei-Geschütz-Abt. I
1. Batterie/Schuma-Art.Abt. 56
Stab und 1. Kp./Pi.Btl. 743
Kampfgruppe (3 x 3.7 cm und 3 x 2.0 cm)/Flak-Abt. der Kommandostab RF-SS
Hunde Abteilung (Two companies of a dog detachment)

Order of battle (August 1944)

SS-Polizei-Regiment 2
SS-Polizei-Regiment 4
SS-Polizei-Regiment 17
Schuma Btl. F/56
Lit. Pol. Btl 15
Pol. Geschtz. Bttr. Galizien 2
Transport Kp.

Sources used

Kurt Mehner - Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945
Phil Nix & George Jerome - The Uniformed Police Forces of the Third Reich 1933-1945
Georg Tessin, Hans-Adolf Neufeldt & Jürgen Huck - Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -