The Schweres Panzer-Regiment Bäke was formed on 23 January 1944 as a special duty unit, structured in form of a so-called schweres Panzer-Regiment with a unique composition. Under the existing Pz.Rgt. 11 staff it was composed of a Tiger-Abt. (Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503) and a Panther-Abt. (II./Pz.Rgt. 23) as main strong combat forces. To enable it for independent combat it was strengthened with motorized artillery, a pioneer battalion with bridging material and it got an infantry component in form of a Geb.Jäg.Btl. later also.
The first task of the unit was the counter attack "Watutin" east of Winniza for taking away the pressure of the german lines after Soviet Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation. From 23 January until 31 January 1944 it operated under command of XXXXVI Panzerkorps in the Uman / Winniza area (major fightings : Bolabanowka pocket , Bhf. Oratow, Ssossow). The ad-hoc and specially built Rgt. turned out to be very effective and successful under the leading of one of the most experienced and skillful tank commanders, Oberstleutnant Dr. med. dent. Franz Bäke, it achieved the destruction of a great number of tanks. From 11 - 17 February 1944 the Rgt. was used as a major force in the relief of the Tscherkassy pocket under command of III. Panzerkorps. After this the Rgt. was dissolved on 25 February 1944 through a Tagesbefehl of 1. Panzer-Armee.


Oberstleutnant Dr. med. dent. Franz Bäke (23 Jan 1944 - 25 Feb 1944)

Area of operations

Eastern Front (Jan 1944 - Feb 1944)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the Knight's Cross (3) (1 EK, 1 SW, 1 RK)
- Bäke, Franz [49. Sw] 21.02.1944 Oberstleutnant d.R. Kdr Pz.Rgt 11 [officially]
-- [award for actions as Kdr s.Pz.Rgt Bäke, temporary command]
- Kageneck Graf von, Clemens-Heinrich [513. EL] 26.06.1944 Hauptmann Kdr s.Pz.Abt 503
- Scherf, Walter 23.02.1944 Oberleutnant d.R. Chef 3./s.Pz.Abt 503
-- [acting Abteilungs-Führer s.Pz.Abt. 503 / s.Pz.Rgt. Bäke]

Order of battle

Stab Panzer-Regiment 11
Schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503 (34 Pz. VI Tiger) / Kdr. : Maj Kageneck (WIA) ; Abt.-Fhr. : Hptm Scherf
II. Abteilung / Panzer-Regiment 23 (46 Pz. V Panther) / Kdr. : Hptm Euler
I. Abteilung /Artillerie-Regiment 88 (mot)
- 1. , 2. Batterie : Wespe (je 6 Geschütze)
- 3. Batterie : Hummel (6 Geschütze)
Pionier-Bataillon (mit Brückengerät) : unknown ; Geb.Pi.Btl 94 ? SS-Pz.Pi.Btl 1 "LSSAH" ?

on 11 February 1944 (Tscherkassy relief) :
- 1 Bataillon der 4. Gebirgsjäger-Division : 180 men , 14 SPW

Sources used

Oberstleutnant Alfred Rubbel - Das schwere Panzer-Regiment Bäke, 1990
Walter Scherf - Die Tiger-Abteilung 503 im Schweren Panzer-Regiment Dr. Bäke , Bericht von Hauptmann a.D. Walter Scherf, 1954/55
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945

Reference material on this unit

Oberstleutnant Alfred Rubbel - Das schwere Panzer-Regiment Bäke, 1990
Walter Scherf - Die Tiger-Abteilung 503 im Schweren Panzer-Regiment Dr. Bäke , Bericht von Hauptmann a.D. Walter Scherf, 1954/55