In 1934 the Kommando der Wachtruppe, a ceremonial and guard unit stationed in the capital that was made up of companies from divisions around Germany, was redesignated Wachtruppe Berlin. The unit was expanded in 1936 with an additional company and a staff company. In June 1937 the unit was ordered to expand to Wach-Regiment Berlin.
In October 1938 a few officers and NCOs were sent to Vienna to act as a cadre in the forming Wachbataillon Wien.

In June 1939 it was reformed into the Infanterie-Regiment (mot) Großdeutschland but elements of it were used to form Wach-Kompanie Berlin.

A regiment with the name Wach-Regiment Berlin also existed in the Reichswehr.


Erich von Keiser (? 1934 - 15 Oct 1935)
Werner Freiherr von und zu Gilsa (15 Oct 1935 - 6 Oct 1936)
Oberst Hans von Alten (6 Oct 1936 - ? June 1939)

Order of battle (1934)

7 x Kompanie
Artillerie Batterie

Order of battle (1936)

8 x Kompanie

Sources used

Helmuth Spaeter - The history of Panzerkorps Großdeutschland

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -