
Generalleutnant Walter Feyerabend (3 Feb 1942 - 30 Nov 1942)
Generalleutnant Rudolf Schulze (30 Nov 1942 - 15 May 1944)
Generalmajor Adolf Gerlach (15 May 1944 - 8 May 1944)
Oberst Max Hecht (? May 1944 - ? May 1944)
Generalmajor Adolf Gerlach (? May 1944 - 2 May 1945)
Oberst Müller (2 May 1945 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations

Germany (Feb 1942 - May 1945)

Manpower strength

Oct 1944 62.550

It was made up as follows:
Luftwaffe personnel 28.000
RAD 18.000
Luftwaffenhelper (boys) 6.000
Flak Helferinnen (women) 3.050
Hungarians and Italians 900
Soviet POWs 3.600
Others 3.000

Sources used

Research by Gareth Collins

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -