The 16. Volksgrenadier-Division was formed in October 1944 from the partially reformed 16. Infanterie-Division and saw action on the western front, ending the war in southern Germany.


Generalleutnant Ernst Häckel (? Oct 1944 - 15 Nov 1944)
Oberst Eberhard Zorn (15 Nov 1944 - 29 Dec 1944)
Generalmajor Alexander Möckel (29 Dec 1944 - 24 Mar 1945)
Generalleutnant Schmidt (24 Mar 1945 - 6 Apr 1945)
Oberst Otto Kestner (6 Apr 1945 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations

France (Oct 1944 - Jan 1945)
Southern Germany (Jan 1945 - May 1945)

Order of battle

Grenadier-Regiment 221
Grenadier-Regiment 223
Grenadier-Regiment 225  
Artillerie-Regiment 1316
Feldersatz-Bataillon 1316
Granatwerfer-Bataillon 1316
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 1316
Panzerjäger-Abteilung (mot) 1316
Pionier-Bataillon 1316
Feldersatz-Bataillon 1316
Nachrichten-Abteilung 1316
Versorgungs-Regiment 1316

Sources used

Andris J. Kursietis - The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945
Samuel W. Mitcham Jr - Hitler's Legions: The German Army Order of Battle World War II
George F. Nafziger - The German Order of Battle: Infantry in World War II
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -