
The 336. Infanterie-Division was formed in Bielefeld on 15 December 1940 as part of the 14. Welle (wave). It performed training, security and coastal defense duties in Belgium and France before transferring to the Eastern Front in May 1942. It received a manpower boost in November 1943 by absorbing the remnants of the disbanded 15. Luftwaffen-Feld-Division.
The division was destroyed in May 1944 at Sevastopol. The staff was used to form the staff of 237. Infanterie-Division and the other remnants that had been evacuated from the Crimea were used to reform Grenadier-Regiment 685 which was assigned to the 294. Infanterie-Division.


Generalleutnant Johann Joachim Stever (15 Dec 1940 - 1 Mar 1942)
General der Artillerie Walther Lucht (1 Mar 1942 - 1 July 1943)
Generalmajor Wilhelm Kunze (1 July 1943 - 8 Dec 1943)
Generalleutnant Wolf Hagemann (8 Dec 1943 - 31 May 1944)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Major Erich von Michaelis (Dec 1940 - Aug 1941)
Oberstleutnant Georg König (Aug 1941 - ? 1942)
Oberst Rolf Wiese (22 Apr 1942 - 25 Feb 1943)
Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Hofmann (25 Feb 1943 - 20 Jan 1944)

Area of operations

Germany (Dec 1940 - Mar 1941)
Belgium & France (Mar 1941 - May 1942)
Eastern front, southern sector (May 1942 - May 1944)


Hundekopf-Division (Dog Head Division)

Order of battle (1940)

Infanterie-Regiment 685
Infanterie-Regiment 686
Infanterie-Regiment 687
Artillerie-Regiment 336
- I. Abteilung
- II. Abteilung
- III. Abteilung
Pionier-Bataillon 336
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 336
Nachrichten-Kompanie 336
Versorgungseinheiten 336

Order of battle (1942)

Grenadier-Regiment 685
Grenadier-Regiment 686
Grenadier-Regiment 687
Artillerie-Regiment 336
- I. Abteilung
- II. Abteilung
- III. Abteilung
- IV. Abteilung
Pionier-Bataillon 336
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 336
Nachrichten-Abteilung 336
Versorgungseinheiten 336

Order of battle (1943-1944)

Grenadier-Regiment 685
Grenadier-Regiment 686
Grenadier-Regiment 687
Füsilier-Bataillon 336 (1)
Artillerie-Regiment 336
- I. Abteilung
- II. Abteilung
- III. Abteilung
- IV. Abteilung
Pionier-Bataillon 336
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 336 (2)
Nachrichten-Abteilung 336
Feld-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 336
Versorgungseinheiten 336


1. Füsilier-Bataillon 336 was formed in Feb 1944.
2. Panzerjäger-Abteilung 336 was redesignated Schnelle Abteilung 336 on 5 Feb 1943; reverted to Panzerjäger-Abteilung 336 on 22 Sep 1943.

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -