
The 4. Infanterie-Division was formed in Dresden on 15 October 1935 from the cover name Artillerieführer IV. The infantry regiments were formed from 10. (Sächsisches) Infanterie-Regiment of 4. Division of the Reichwehr. It was mobilized in August 1939 as part of the 1. Welle (wave).
On 15 August 1940, it was reorganized and redesignated 14. Panzer-Division.


Generalleutnant Erich Raschick (15 Oct 1935 - 10 Nov 1938)
General der Kavallerie Eric Hansen (10 Nov 1938 - 15 Aug 1940)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Oberstleutnant Claus Kühl (10 Nov 1938 - 10 June 1940)
Hauptmann Georg Metzke (11 June 1940 - 15 Aug 1940)

Area of operations

Poland (Sep 1939 - May 1940)
France (May 1940 - Aug 1940)

Nicknames and Honor titles

Infanterie-Regiment 10 was given the title Infanterie-Regiment Dresden 1 October 1934 but was redesignated 15 October 1935.

Order of battle (1939)

Infanterie-Regiment 10
Infanterie-Regiment 52
Infanterie-Regiment 103
Aufklärungs-Abteilung 4
Artillerie-Regiment 4
- I. Abteilung
- II. Abteilung
- III. Abteilung
- I./Artillerie-Regiment 40 (1)
Beobachtungs-Abteilung 4 (2)
Pionier-Bataillon 13
Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 4
Nachrichten-Abteilung 4
Feldersatz-Bataillon 4
Versorgungseinheiten 4

Notable members

Prinz Carl Franz Ferdinand zur Lippe-Weißenfeld (KIA 26 Sep 1939 near Lublin, Poland as Leutnant der Reserve in Infanterie-Reigment 103)


1. Transferred to Artillerie-Regiment 238 of the 167. Infanterie-Division in August 1940.
2. Released from the division in December 1939 and designated Heerestruppe.

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -