Militärbefehlshaber Belgien was formed in Brüssel on 20 May 1940 but was a short-lived HQ, because the original plans concerning the command area of this staff had been cancelled still during formation. Mil.Befh. Belgien comprised of a staff existing already and having been created initially for the military administration of the territories of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.
In reality the Netherlands were placed under command of a so-called Reichskommissar and a co-administration of a Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in the military field. The grand duchy of Luxembourg for a short intermediate time indeed was subordinated to the military commander at Brussels, but still in July 1940 a civil administration (CdZ) was installed, headed by Gauleiter Gustav Simon. The decisions described above have been executed quickly as well as an answer was found how to organize the territory of Belgium as the only country left from the original planning. It was decided to install a military structure as a permanent one and the important measure taken next was to add the two French départments east of the River Somme - Pas-de-Calais and Nord – to the HQ area of MilBefh. Belgien. By that the new structure was found and the staff was called Militärbefehlshaber Belgien-Nordfrankreich since 28 May 1940.


General der Infanterie (char.) Alexander von Falkenhausen (22 May 1940 – 28 May 1940)


Brussels (Brüssel)

Territory (planned)

Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg

Sources used

Research by Bernd R

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -