by John Mulholland


Divisions Affiliated with Wkr.XVII:
9 Pz, 9 Mtn, 42 Jag, 44, 45, 92, 100 Jag, 137, 177 Rep, 243, 262, 297, 327, 334, 351, 357, 369, 373, 392, 417 Rep, 487 Rep, 564 VG.

Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen XVII (Commander of Replacement Troops, Wkr.XVII.)
- Aug.1939: Formed in Vienna.
- Oct.1939: Renamed Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 1./XVII
Div.Nr.177 (177.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Vienna.
- Nov.1939: Formed as 177.Division from the staff of Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 1./XVII.
- 12 Dec.1939: Renamed Div.Nr.177.
- Oct.1942: Grenadier Replacement and Training Regt.131 (Gren.Ers.u.Ausb.Regt.131) and Artillery Replacement and Training Regt.44 (Art.Ers.u.Ausb.Regt.44) were transferred to Wkr.”Bohemia-Moravia” while the remainder of Div.Nr.177 remained headquartered in Vienna until the end of the war.
Order of Battle – Mar.1940 :
Inf.Ers.Reg.44 (Inf.Ers.Btl.I./131, I./132, II./134)
Inf.Ers.Reg.131 (Inf.Ers.Btl.II./131, I./134, I./482)
Inf.Ers.Reg.262 (Inf.Ers.Btl.II./132, I./462, II./486)
Schtz.Ers.Reg.82 (Schtz.Ers.Btl.2, 10, 11)

Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 2./XVII
- Oct.1939: Formed in Linz.
Div.Nr.187 (187.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Linz.
- Nov.1939: Formed as 187.Division.Div from the staff of Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 2./XVII
- 23 Dec.1939: Renamed Div.Nr.187.
- 01 Oct.1942: Restructured as the 187.Res.Div. It was sent to Croatia, with its subordinate Training units, while its Replacement functions were taken over by the newly created Div.Nr.487.
- Dec.1943: Ceased its Training functions and was renamed 42.Jager Division.
Order of Battle – Mar.1940 :
Inf.Ers.Reg.45 (Inf.Ers.Btl.I./130, II./135, II./462)
Inf.Ers.Reg.130 (Inf.Ers.Btl.II./130, I./133, II./133)
Inf.Ers.Reg.462 (Inf.Ers.Btl.I./135, I./486, II./482)

Div.Nr.487 (487.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Linz.
- 01 Oct.1942: Formed as Div.Nr.487 to take over the Replacement duties of the departed 187.Res.Div.
- Dec.1943: Began Training duties after the 187.Res.Div. was upgraded to Jag.Div. and transferred to the Feldheer.
- Mar.1945: Ceased all Replacement and Training duties and was sent to the front.
Order of Battle – Oct.1942 :
Gren.Ers.Reg.557 (Gren.Ers.Btl.II./133, I./135, II./482, I./486)
Gren.Ers.Reg.587 (Gren.Ers.Btl.I.,II./130, I./133, II./135, II./462)


Div.Stb.z.b.V.331 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 13 Nov.1944: Formed

Div.Stb.z.b.V.417 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 25 Oct.1939: Formed
Order of Battle - Mar.1940:
Ldschtz.Reg.172 (Ldschtz.Btl.851, 854, 857, 861, 864, 866, 871, 872, 873, 875, 877)
Ldschtz.Reg.174 (Ldschtz.Btl.853, 860, 862, Brückenwachkp.1 & 2)

Div.Stb.z.b.V.540 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 15 Oct.1939: Formed in Brünn by renaming the Landesschützen-Kommandeur II. It’s staff was used to form the Wehrmachts-Bevollmächtigten “Bohemia – Moravia” along with Div.Stb.z.b.V.539 of Wkr.IV.
Order of Battle - Mar.1940:
Ldschtz.Reg.182 (Ldschtz.Btl.655, 905, 911, 912)

Div.Stb.z.b.V.601 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 14 Oct.1944: Formed by Heeresgruppe “A” (Army Group A) in the Generalgouvernement.
Order of Battle - Jan.1945:
Fest.Reg.Stab 11  

Ersatz- Brigade 204 (204.Replacement and Training Brigade)
-  Jun.1941: Formed in Wehrkreis XVII  as a Replacement and Training Brigade for the Army Groups of the eastern front.
- Jul.1941: Transferred to the Generalgouvernement, it also performed occupation duties and was upgraded to Sicherungsbrigade status later, thus losing it’s Replacement and Training functions.
- Apr.1942: Restructured as Oberfeldkommandantur 394.

Kommandeur der Schnelletruppen XVII (Commander of Mobile Troops, Wkr.XVII.)
- Jun.1942: Formed in Vienna to supply Replacement and Training functions for the mobile troops of the Wehrkreis.
- Mar.1943: Renamed Kommandeur der Panzertruppen.XVII