by John Mulholland

WEHRKREIS X – Hamburg.

Divisions Affiliated with Wkr.X:
20 PzGR, 22, 30, 58, 72, 83, 89, 110, 121, 160, 170, 180, 190, 225, 269, 270, 416, 547 VG, 560 VG, 710

Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen X (Commander of Replacement Troops, Wkr.X.)
- Aug.1939: Formed in Hamburg.
- Oct.1939: Renamed Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 1./X
Div.Nr.160 (160.Replacement and Training Division
Home Station: Hamburg.
- Nov.1939: Formed as 160.Division from the staff of Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 1./X.
- 12 Dec.1939: Renamed Div.Nr.160.
- Jun.1940: Stationed in Copenhagen, Denmark. Its Replacement functions were taken over by Div.Nr.190, which was stationed in Schleswig-Holstein.
- 07 Nov.1943: The part of Div.Nr.160 stationed in Denmark was restructured as the 160.Res.Div. and retained its Training functions. The other part of Div.Nr.160 kept on with its Replacement duties and returned to Schleswig-Holstein, Wkr.X.
- Mar.1944: Upgraded to 160.Infanteriedivision of the Feldheer.
Order of Battle – Jan.1940 :
Inf.Ers.Reg.20 (mot.) (Inf.Ers.Btl.69, 76, 90)
Inf.Ers.Reg.30 (Inf.Ers.Btl.6, 46, 469)
Inf.Ers.Reg.58 (Inf.Ers.Btl.26, 209, 220)
Inf.Ers.Reg.225 (Inf.Ers.Btl.333, 376, 490)

Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 2./X.
- Nov.1939: Formed in Bremen.
Div.Nr.180 (180.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Ludwigsburg.
- Nov.1939: Formed as 180.Division from the staff of Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 2./X.
- 21 Dec.1939: Renamed Div.Nr.180 and conducted Replacement and Training duties for north-central Germany until Sep.1944, when, upon receipt of the codeword “Alarm Küste” (“Alarm Coast”)  it was renamed Einsatz-Division Nr.180 and sent to combat the allied airborne forces, landing in Holland, during “Operation Market Garden”.
- Oct.1944: The Training portions of Einsatz-Division Nr.180 were upgraded to 180.Res.Div., while the Replacement sections were used to reform a second Div.Nr.180.
- Oct.1944: 180.Res.Div. was upgraded to 180.Inf.Div. while fighting at the front.
- Nov.1944: The second Div.Nr.180’s replacement functions were taken over by Div.Nr.480.
Order of Battle – Mar.1940 :
Inf.Ers.Reg.22 (Inf.Ers.Btl.47, 65, 377)
Inf.Ers.Reg.269 (Inf.Ers.Btl.16, 154, 489)

Ersatz-Division “Hamburg”
- May.1940: Formed to take over the Replacement units of Div.Nr.160, which was being transferred to Copenhagen, Denmark. These Replacement units were later incorporated into Div.Nr.190 when in was formed in Jun.1940.

Div.Nr.170 (170.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Hamburg.
- Oct.1939: Formed as Div.Nr.170.
- Dec.1939: Upgraded to 170.Infanteriedivision of the Feldheer.

Div.Nr.190 (190.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Neumuenster.
- 10 Jun.1940: Formed as Div.Nr.190., it took over responsibility for Div.Nr.160’s Replacement units, which, since May.1940, had been controlled by Ersatz-Division “Hamburg” in Wkr.X.
- Jun.1940: Div.Nr.190 was stationed in Schleswig-Holstein.
- Oct.1940: The Divisionstab returned to Neumünster, Wkr.X.
- Sep.1944: Upon receipt of the codeword “Alarm Küste” (“Alarm Coast”) the division was renamed Einsatz-Division Nr.190 and moved into Holland to combat the allied airborne attack during “Operation Market Garden”.
- Nov.44: Upgraded to 190.Infanteriedivision and lost to the Ersatzheer.
Order of Battle – Jun.1940 :
Inf.Ers.Reg.20 (mot.) (Inf.Ers.Btl.(mot.) 69, 76, 90, 376)
Inf.Ers.Reg.30 (Inf.Ers.Btl.6, 46, 469)
Inf.Ers.Reg.225 (Inf.Ers.Btl.333, 490)

Div.Nr.480 (480.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Verden.
- 01 Nov.1944: Formed as Div.Nr.480 to take over duties of the upgraded 180.Inf.Div.
Order of Battle – Oct.1942 :
Gren.Ers./Ausb.Reg.269 (Gren.Ers./Ausb.Btl.47, 65, Ldschtz.Btl.I./10)
Gren.Ers./Ausb.Reg.22 (Gren.Ers./Ausb.Btl.16, 154, 376, 489)

Div.Nr.490 (490.Replacement and Training Division)
Home Station: Neumuenster.
- 01 Nov.1944: Formed as Div.Nr.490 to take over duties of the upgraded 190.Inf.Div.
Order of Battle – Mar.1945 :
Gren.Ers./Ausb.Reg.30 (Gren.Ers.Btl.6, 46, 469, 490, Ldschtz.Btl.666)
Gren.Ers.Reg.520 (Gren.Ers.Btl.26, 333, Ldschtz.Btl.II./10, 655)

325.Reserve Division
- Feb.1945: Formed from convalescence units stationed Jutland, Denmark.
- Mar.1945: Upgraded to 325.Infanteriedivision (Inf.Div.”Jutland”)

328.Reserve Division
- Feb.1945: Formed from convalescence units stationed Jutland, Denmark.
- Mar.1945: Upgraded to 328.Infanteriedivision (Inf.Div.”Seeland”)


Div.Stb.z.b.V.410 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 23 Oct.1939: Formed
- Jan.1944: The division was officially dissolved.
Order of Battle - Oct.1940:
Ldschtz.Reg.Stab 105  
Ldschtz.Reg.Stab 106  
(Ldschtz.Btl.653, 655, 659, 665, 666, 675, 676, Ldschtz.Ers.Btl.10)

Div.Stb.z.b.V.460 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 24 Apr.1940: Formed by Heeresgruppe “B” (Army Group B) on the western front.
- Oct.1940: The division was officially dissolved.
Order of Battle - Apr.1940:
Ldschtz.Reg.104 (Ldschtz.Btl.?, 1.Bttr./Ldschtz.Art.Reg.460)
Ldschtz.Reg.105 (Ldschtz.Btl.325, 326, 675, 2.Bttr./Ldschtz.Art.Reg.460)
Ldschtz.Reg.106 (Ldschtz.Btl.702, 319, 809, 3.Bttr./Ldschtz.Art.Reg.460)

Div.Stb.z.b.V.612 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 26 Jan.1945: Formed
- Feb.1945: Staff used to form Korps “Oder”.

Div.Stb.z.b.V.614 (Special Administrative Division Staff)
- 30 Jan.1945: Formed in Denmark.
- Mar.1945: Incorporated into the 325.Infanteriedivision.

Kommandeur der Panzertruppen X (Commander of Armored Troops, Wkr.X.)
- Mar.1943: Formed in Hamburg to control the Replacement and Training functions of the mobile troops in Wkr.X. It was formed from the staff of Grenadier-Ersatz-Regiment (motorisiert) 20. (20th Motorized Infantry Replacement and Training Regiment).
- Jan.1944: Combined with the staff of Kdr.Pz.Trpn.XI to form Kdr.Pz.Trpn.X/XI.
- May 1944: Kdr.Pz.Trpn.X/XI reverted to Kdr.Pz.Trpn.X with the formation of a new Kdr.Pz.Trpn.XI.
- Sep.1944: Upon receipt of the codeword “Alarm Küste” (“Alarm Coast”) the staff and it’s subordinate units formed the 1224.Inf.Regt. of the Einsatz-Division Nr.190  for service against the allies during “Operation Market Garden”.