Select Bibliography on the Spanish Air War
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- Published: 29 December 2011 29 December 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Compiler's Note: All of the books and documents, with some exceptions, were originally used to provide research information and documentation for the preparation of a study of aircraft losses during the Spanish Civil War. This study was begun in 1987 and completed in 1991, but was not published.
Other relevant documentation on the air war is not listed because it was not available for use and not included in the original bibliography, though some may have been mentioned in the text of the study. Nevertheless, the bibliography should be of some value to researchers of the Spanish air war, and it has been enhanced by the inclusion of more recent books and magazine articles not included in the original document.
* Allen, Richard Sanders. AN ANNOTATED LISTING OF RUSSIAN AVIATORS IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936-1939. Privately circulated paper, September 1974.
* Attache Reports, etc. on the Spanish Civil War. Microfilm Roll No. A2874. Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
* Baumler, Albert J. "Ajax." SCW FLIGHT LOG. Copy from Richard K. Smith, via Tom Sarbaugh.
* Legion Condor Daily Situation Reports (Lageberichte). Microfilm Roll No. K1027-T. Albert F. Simpson Historical Research Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
* Lavigne, Michel. WERNER MOLDERS EN ESPAGNE. Unpublished manuscript, no date. Appears to be based on Fritz von Forell's MOLDERS UND SEINE MANNER and Josef Fözö's FREIE JAGD VON MADRID BIS MOSKAU.
* Napier, S. MESSERSCHMITT BF109s OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Unpublished manuscript, July 6, 1994. An admirable attempt to list every Bf109 used in Spain, with details of painting and camouflage schemes.
* Ricci, Corrado. COMENTOS AL LIBRO " LA AVIACION DE CAZA EN LA GUERRA ESPANOLA" DEL SR. ANDRES GARCIA LACALLE. Privately circulated paper via Tom Sarbaugh. Critical comment on Lacalles's book by an Italian fighter pilot who fought in Spain.
* Sarbaugh, Tom. PORTUGUESE AVIATORS IN NATIONALIST SPAIN DURING THE CIVIL WAR. Privately circulated paper, May 1989.
* ______. KEY TO LISTS OF NON-SOVIET FOREIGNERS WHO SERVED WITH THE LOYALIST AIR FORCES 1936-1939. Privately circulated paper. No date. Unique and useful information.
* Tinker, Frank G. Jr. ("Francisco Gomez Trejo"). SCW FLIGHT LOG. Copy from Richard K. Smith via Tom Sarbaugh.
Whelan, Paul. FIRST BF109s. Privately circulated paper, June 1987 via Tom Sarbaugh.
* ______. SOVIET AIRMEN IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936-1939. Privately circulated paper, January 1991. Valuable addition to Richard S. Allen's paper.
* Arias Arias, Antonio. ARDE EL CIELO: Memorias de un Piloto de Caza Participante en la Guerra de España (1936-1939) y en la Gran Guerra Patria de la URSS (1941-1945). Silla (Valencia): Edita: A. Delgado Romero, 1995. Memoirs of a Republican fighter pilot and squadron leader, who later fought for the Soviet Union during WWII.
* Abellan Garcia-Muñoz, Juan. GALERIA DE AVIONES DE LA GUERRA CIVIL ESPANOLA (1936-1939). Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, Instituto de Historia y Cultura Aeronautica, 1996. Color illustrations and profiles of aircraft of both sides, accompanied by brief technical descriptions and operational details. Some minor flaws, i.e. Bf109Bs shown with radio masts and aerials.
* Alexandrov, Andrei and Gennadi Petrov. DIE DEUTSCHEN FLUGZEUGE IN RUSSICHEN UND SOWJETISCHEN DIENSTEN 1914-1951. Illertissen, Germany: Flugzeug Publikations GmbH, 1997. Photos of captured Bf109 (6-15) and He111 (25-32), test flown and evaluated by a French technical team in Spain and Soviet pilots and engineers in the USSR. (See articles in SKYWAYS magazines, Nos. 29, 30 and 32).
* Arraez Cerda, Juan. LES CHASSEURS DE LA LEGION CONDOR. Rennes: Ouest France, 1982. Useful booklet on LC's fighter aircraft, with photos and color profiles. Superseded by author's later book on the subject.
* ______. LOS CAZADORES DE LA LEGION CONDOR: La Maquina y La Historia No. 3. Valladolid: Quiron Ediciones, 1993. Many photos of He51s and Bf109s, plus Ar98 and Heinkel He112. English (sort of) photo captions make this useful for the non-Spanish reader.
* ______. L'AVIATION DE CHASSE DE LA REPUBLIQUE ESPAGNOLE 1936/1939. AVIONS Hors Serie No. 3. Boulogne: Editions Lela Presse, 1995. French text, with English photo captions. Thorough coverage of Republican aircraft with many unique photos.
* ______. LES MESSERSCHMITT ESPAGNOLS: Des Premiers 109V aux Derniers Buchon. AVIONS Hors Serie No. 5. Boulogne: Editions Lela Presse, 1997. Comprehensive account of the Bf109 in Spain's civil war, and including almost too much on the post-war Spanish-built versions. Unique photos, drawings and color profiles.
* Baker, David. ADOLF GALLAND - The Authorized Biography. London: Windrow & Greene, 1996. One and one half chapters devoted to Galland's stay in Spain with 3./J88, flying the He51 on ground attack missions.
* Bender, Roger James. LEGION CONDOR: Uniforms, Organization and History. San Jose, CA: R. James Bender Publishing, 1992. Useful for descriptions of organization, uniforms and accoutrements of LC; nothing new on aircraft, which have been described more accurately and in better detail in other publications. Many new and different photos.
* Beumelburg, Werner. KAMPF UM SPANIEN: Die Geschichte der Legion Condor. Oldenburg: Gerhard Stalling Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1939. Nazi propaganda, but containing some useful information.
* Bley, Wulf. DAS BUCH DER SPANIENFLIEGER. Leipzig: von Hase & Koehler Verlag, 1938. Interesting chapters written by the participants; propaganda but basically factual in most cases.
* Boyd, Alexander. THE SOVIET AIR FORCE SINCE 1918. New York: Stein & Day Publishers, 1977. Brief but authoritative coverage of Soviet participation in the Spanish Civil War.
* Bridgeman, Brian. THE FLYERS. Upton upon Severn, UK: Self-published, in cooperation with The Self Publishing Association, 1989. Interesting and well-written account of mercenary pilots, mostly British.
* Cortada, James, Editor. HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR, 1936-1939. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982. Many valuable references, but despite some appropriate entries, not aviation oriented.
* Coverdale, John. ITALIAN INTERVENTION IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975. Good for facts and figures, but sparse coverage of the air war.
* Constable, Trevor J. and Raymond F. Toliver. HORRIDO! Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1968. Useful for biographies of some Geman pilots who served in Spain, but mostly WWII career information.
* ______. FIGHTER ACES OF THE LUFTWAFFE. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1996. Revised and somewhat updated edition of HORRIDO!, with many additional photographs.
* Cross, Roy and Gerald Scarborough. MESSERSCHMITT BF109, VERSIONS B-E: Classic Aircraft No. 2, Their History and How to Model Them. London: Patrick Stephens Ltd., 1972. Contains brief history of the Bf109 in Spain, with some errors. Includes tone illustrations showing camouflage and markings. Excellent and authoritative technical description of the aircraft itself, aided by Hans Ebert, archivist of the present day MBB GmbH organization.
* DEUTSCHE KAMPFEN IN SPANIEN, Herausgegeben von der Legion Condor. Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert Verlag, 1939. Nazi propaganda piece, but containing some useful facts
* de Wet, Oloff. THE PATROL IS ENDED. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Co. Inc., 1938. (First published in England as THE CARDBOARD CRUCIFIX.) Semi-fictional account of de Wet's tour in Spain. Not a very good source of hard data.
* Drum, Karl (General der Flieger a.D.). THE GERMAN AIR FORCE IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR: USAF Historical Study 150. Newark, DE: Air Enterprise Publications, 1987 (and others). Never officially published by the air force, this study is nevertheless of considerable value, although based upon meager records and sometimes faulty memories.
* Edwards, John Carver. AIRMEN WITHOUT PORTFOLIO: US Mercenaries in Civil War Spain. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. A very expensive 150 pages! Depends heavily on Tinker's book, SOME STILL LIVE, but covers other legitimate participants fairly well. Ignores the fakes and adventurers, though they were often more interesting than the others. Allen Herr's article in the Journal of the AAHS, Fall 1977 issue on the same subject, is more comprehensive and better reading!
* Elstob, Peter. LA LEGION CONDOR: España 1936-39. Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1973. (Spanish edition of Ballantine Books US edition.) Often referenced as a legitimate source in other publications, it is filled with errors. Elstob claimed to have taken part in the air war, but was in Spain only briefly and never flew a mission.
* Emiliani, Angelo. ITALIANI NELL' AVIAZIONE REPUBBLICANA SPAGNOLA. Florence: Edizioni Aeronautiche Italiani S.r.l., 1981. Unique and probably final coverage of the subject.
* Emiliani, Angelo and Guiseppe Ghergo. NEI CIELI DI SPAGNA. Milan: Giorgio Apostolo Editore, 1986. Excellent photo coverage, concentrating on the Italian participation, for the most part.
* ______. WINGS OVER SPAIN: History and Images of the Civi War 1936-39. Milan: Giorgio Apostolo Editore, 1997. Graphically superior volume, with excellent English text. Many lengthy and informative photo captions, plus color profiles. Concentrates mainly on Italian participation. Useful appendices, aces list, etc.
* Emiliani, Angelo, Guiseppe Ghergo and Achille Vigna. SPAGNA 1936-1939: L'Aviazione Legionaria. Milan: Intergest, 1976. Contains better quality photo reproduction than the Spanish edition, plus more photos, including more of German aircraft. Different information in appendices than Spanish edition.
* ______. LA AVIACION LEGIONARIA: España 1936-39. Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1974. Spanish language edition of the above title, but contains loss data and different totals of Italian aircraft sent to Spain.
* Fleuret, Alain. LUFTWAFFE CAMOUFLAGE 1934-1940. Melbourne: Kookaburra Technical Publications, 1981. One useful chapter on Spain, with photos. Uses Ries and Ring's data for number of foreign aircraft in Spain, especially Bf109s. Aside from some photos, nothing new or original.
* Galland, Adolf. LES PREMIERS ET LES DERNIERS. Paris: Yves Michelet Editeur, 1985. Revised and updated French edition of Galland's classic, THE FIRST AND THE LAST. The original English edition barely mentions the Spanish Civil War.
Green, William. WARPLANES OF THE THIRD REICH. Garden City: Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1970. Aging classic on German aircraft; still valuable and helpful.
* ______. AUGSBURG EAGLE: The Messerschmitt Bf109. Bourne End, UK: Aston Publications Ltd., 1987. Some questionable information on Spanish war 109s, but generally accurate coverage.
* Guerrero, Juan Antonio. I-15 CHATO. Barcelona: L. Carbonell Editor, 1988. Small booklet with some new photos, but basically standard information on the I-15 and I-152. Color profiles by John Weal, which have previously appeared in other publications.
* Hallion, Richard P. STRIKE FROM THE SKY: The History of Battlefield Air Attack 1911-1945. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989. Excellent chapter on ground assault operations and tactics during the SCW, including analysis of lessons learned and not learned.
* Haycraft, James B. MESSERSCHMITTS OVER SPAIN - Military Journal Special No. 1. Bennington, VT: International Graphics Corp. 1979. General description of the introduction of the Bf109 into Spain and its operational experience. Tone illustrations of color schemes and personal markings. Much of the content now outdated.
* Herrera Alonso, Emilio. ENTRE EL ANIL Y EL COBALTO: Los Hydroaviones en le Guerra de España. Madrid: Instituto de Historia y Cultura Aeronautica, 1987. Concentrates on the use of seaplanes in the war and provides extensive chronology of operations and events.
* Hitchcock, Thomas H. MESSERSCHMITT O-NINE GALLERY. Acton, MA: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1973. Discusses introduction and use of the 109 in Spain, including experimental aircraft, with photos of representative types. Some information now outdated.
* Howson, Gerald. AIRCRAFT OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936-1939. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. Excellent and thorough coverage of just about every aircraft that saw service in Spain on both sides, with operational data and photographs, plus many appendices. Unlikely to be surpassed for many years, if ever!
* ______. ARMS FOR SPAIN: The Untold Story of the Spanish Civil War. London: John Murray (Publishers) Ltd., 1998. Tells for the first time how Republican Spain's national treasure was dissipated and stolen by arms dealers, racketeers and political wheeler-dealers, who contrived to supply junk arms and aircraft. Howson takes advantage of newly released Russian documentation to demonstrate how the Soviet Union supplied far less aid than previously thought.
* EL INFORME DEL PRESIDENTE AGUIRRE AL GOBIERNO DE LA REPUBLICA. Bilbao: Editorial La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca, 1978. (Aviation related extracts only, via Tom Sarbaugh). Some useful information on the air war in the north.
* Jimenez Arenas, Jose Luis. CADENAS DEL AIRE. Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1973. Personal account of a ground assault pilot who flew many missions.
* Kopenhagen, Wilfried. LEXICON SOWJETLUFTFAHRT. Berlin: Transpress VEB Verlag für Verkehrswesen, 1986. Biographies of prominent Soviet aviation personalities, some of whom served in Spain.
* Kropp, Albert. SO KAMPFEN DEUTSCHE SOLDATEN: Von Rittern des Goldenen Brillanten Spanienkreuzes. Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert Verlag, 1939. Nazi propaganda piece on holders of the Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds. Propaganda aside, contains useful information.
* Larios, José. COMBAT OVER SPAIN: Memoirs of a Nationalist Fighter Pilot. New York: Macmillan, 1966. Well written, lucid and interesting account, with valuable information. Originally written in English by Larios (Marquis of Larios, Duke of Lerma), who was educated in England; not a translation.
* Laureau, Patrick. L'AVIATION REPUBLICAINE ESPAGNOLE (Docavia No. 8). Paris: Editions Lariviere, 1978. Ground-breaking volume on the Spanish air war; still in demand and valuable, despite many errors.
* Laureau, Patrick, with Santiago Capillas and Enrique Pereira. LA AVIACION REPUBLICANA ESPANOLA 1936-1939. N.d.: Self-published (Two volumes: Vol. 1, 1980 and Vol. 2, 1982) Basically, a Spanish language version of the above French title, but with additional photos and containing some strange errors and omissions. A planned third volume was never published.
* Laureau, Patrick, with José Fernandez. LA LEGION CONDOR. Collection Histoire de L'Aviation No. 7. Outreau: Editions Lela Presse 1999. Excellent coverage of the Legion Condor in text (French) and photos, many published for the first time. All aspects of the LC covered, including the army, flak units and the Kriegsmarine. Many color illustrations and profiles with accurate color and marking schemes, but no index or source references.
* Malizia, Nicola. ALI NELLA TRAGEDIA DI SPAGNA (1936-1939). Modena: Mucchi Editore, 1986. Straightforward account of the airwar, stressing the Italian viewpoint. Unremarkable photos.
* Maluquer Wahl, Juan J. LA AVIACION DE CATALUNA EN LOS PRIMEROS MESES DE LA GUERRA CIVIL. Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1980. Personal memoir of the early days of the war in Catalonia.
* Mason, Herbert Molloy, Jr. THE RISE OF THE LUFTWAFFE 1918-1940. New York: The Dial Press, 1973. Standard account of the Spanish air war included among other chapters, with no surprises or unique insights.
* Miranda, Justo and Paula Mercado. AVIACION MUNDIAL EN ESPANA (Guerra Civil) 1936-1939: Aviones Americanos y Rusos. Madrid: Silex Ediciones, 1985.
* ______. WORLD AVIATION IN SPAIN (The Civil War) 1936-1939: American and Soviet Airplanes. Madrid: Silex Ediciones, 1988. English language edition of the above title. First of a projected seven volume series to be devoted to the aircraft used in Spain. Contains a wealth of technical, tactical and historical information, but is lacking in source references. Excellent and profuse illustrations; not too many photographs.
* ______. AVIONES EN LA GUERRA CIVIL ESPANOLA 1936/1939 - Ingleses - Checos - Polacos. Madrid: Aldaba Ediciones, 1990. Second volume in the planned series, with all the positive attributes of the first. At this time, a third volume has yet to be published and the series seems to be stalled, for one reason or another.
* Mitcham, Samuel W. Jr. MEN OF THE LUFTWAFFE. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1988. One chapter on the SCW, summarizing the part the Luftwaffe played in that conflict.
* Mombeek, Eric with J. Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek. LUFTWAFFE COLOURS, VOL. ONE, SERIES 2: Jagdwaffe - The Spanish Civil War. Crowborough, UK: Classic Publications, 1999.
Superior graphics, with minimal text, plus many contemporary anecdotal accounts from participants. Many photos of LC fighter aircraft; most seen before in a variety of other publications. Superb artwork, but some questionable colors and color schemes. For example, Gotthard Handrick's Bf109 6-56 (and other 109s) shown in what appears to be a dark green (RLM 68), instead of light grey fuselage color.
* Nowarra, Heinz J. DIE JU52: FLUGZEUG UND LEGENDE. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1986. Brief information on the "Tante Ju" and its Spanish service.
* ______. ME109: A FAMOUS GERMAN FIGHTER. Letchworth, UK: Harleyford Publications, Ltd., 1966. Includes a general account of the 109 in Spain, but contains many errors and omissions common to a 30 year-old book.
* Obermaier, Ernst. DIE RITTERKREUZTRAGER DER LUFTWAFFE 1939-1945, Band I, Jagdflieger (Revised Edition, with German text only). Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 1989. Short biographies, with photos, of Luftwaffe fighter pilots who were awarded the Knight's Cross in the various grades; includes many who served in Spain.
* ______. DIE RITTERKREUZTRAGER DER LUFTWAFFE 1939-1945, Band II, Stuka und Schlachtflieger (Revised Edition, with German text only). Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 1989. These two volumes are "must have" references for any air war historian!
* Obermaier, Ernst and Werner Held. JAGDFLIEGER
OBERST WERNER MOLDERS. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1982. Mostly pictorial history of Mölders' career, with a few photos in Spain.
* Pedriali, Ferdinando. GUERRA DI SPAGNA E AVIAZIONE ITALIANA. Edizione Riveduta e Ampliata. Rome: Nuovo Studio Tecna, 1992. Official history of Italy's air operations in the SCW. Excellent selection of photographs and many valuable appendices.
* Proctor, Raymond L. HITLER'S LUFTWAFFE IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983. Comprehensive volume on the Geman role in the war, but despite access to records and interviews with some surviving participants, still contains errors - primarily dates. Suffers somewhat from dry writing style.
* Radinger, Willy and Walter Schick. MESSERSCHMITT ME109: Alle Varianten - von Bf (Me) 109A bis 109E. Oberhaching: Aviatic Verlag, 1977. New information on the Bf109 "versuchs" aircraft sent to Spain for evaluation, plus some new photos. English language edition also available, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd. in the US.
* Rello, Salvador. LA AVIACION EN LA GUERRA DE ESPANA (4 volumes). Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1969-1972. An early, admirable but failed attempt to document all the major (and some minor) aircraft used in Spain. Tiny, card-cover books, with small photos, limit the amount of useful information contained. Superseded by Howson's and the Miranda's works.
* Ries, Karl and Hans Ring. LEGION CONDOR: Ein Illustrierte Dokumentation. Mainz: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, 1980. Ground-breaking volume on the subject, with new information and photos not previously published. See below.
* ______. LEGION CONDOR: A History of the Luftwaffe in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. Translated by David Johnston. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1992. English language edition of the above, with identical page layout and appearance, but with superior photo reproduction. Best coverage of the Legion Condor to date, both text and photographs, with much useful information in the text and the many appendices.
* Salas Larrazabal, Jesus. AIR WAR OVER SPAIN. London: Ian Allen, 1974. An attempt to provide a complete account of the Spanish air war, but concentrates mostly on fighter operations and contains much confusing text describing ground campaigns. Tends to stress the Nationalist viewpoint and suffers somewhat from a mediocre English translation. A valuable reference, nevertheless.
* ______. LA GUERRA DE ESPANA DESDE EL AIRE. Barcelona: Ariel, 1972. (Original Spanish language edition of "Air War Over Spain") Different information in the appendices from the English edition.
* ______. DAS FLUGZEUG IN SPANISCHEN BURGERKRIEG. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1973. German language edition of "Air War Over Spain," with no appendices at all!
* ______. GUERRA AEREA 1936/39, TOME I: La Batalla Aérea por Madrid. Madrid: Instituto de Historia y Cultura Aeronauticas, 1998. Not just a greatly expanded and revised edition of the author's 1972 work, described above, but an entirely new series on the air war, containing an enormous quantity of new information that has come to light over the years. Tome I alone, contains 81 appendices and index, in addition to the main text.
* ______. GUERRA AEREA 1936/39, TOME II: La Campaña del Norte. Madrid: Instituto de Historia y Cultura Aeronauticas, 1998. More of the same, with hundreds of pages of text and 37 appendices, plus index. This volume carries the air war through 1937. Both volumes well illustrated with photographs, many previously unpublished. Additional volumes should be forthcoming.
* Sanchis, Miguel. ALAS ROJAS SOBRE ESPANA. Madrid, 1956. Dated, but frequently useful source of information on Soviet aircraft in Spain. One of the first studies on the subject.
* Shores, Christopher. SPANISH CIVIL WAR AIR FORCES. New York: Sky Books Press, Ltd., 1977. Little more than an enlarged brochure, with basically superficial coverage and of little historical value, but used frequently as a reference in other more serious publications, no doubt based upon Shore's reputation.
* Sirvent Cerillo, Luis. ESPANA "LA GUERRA AEREA" Los Combates de un Piloto de Caza de la Republica (1936-1939). Madrid: Self-published, 1995. Personal memoir by a former pilot and participant.
* Steer, George L. THE TREE OF GERNIKA: A Field Study of Modern War. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 1938. Aviation references only, via Tom Sarbaugh.
* Tarazona, Francisco. YO FUI PILOTO DE CAZA ROJO. Madrid: Editorial San Martin, 1974. One of the first autobiographical accounts to emerge from the war.
* Thomas, Hugh. THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR (Revised and Enlarged Edition). New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977. Surprisingly detailed and accurate aviation coverage for an overall history of the war. Still a vital reference!
* Thomas, Gordon and Max Morgan Witts. GUERNICA: The Crucible of World War II. New York: Stein & Day Publishers, 1975. Interesting account, but flawed and undependable as a legitimate historical account.
* von Forell, Fritz. MOLDERS UND SEINE MANNER. Graz: Steirische Verlagsanstalt, 1941. Chapter on Mölders Spanish service essentially correct, despite wartime origin of the book. Covers his subsequent career, but ends before his accidental death.
* ______. WERNER MOLDERS - Flug zur Sonne: Die Geschichte des grossen Jagdfliegers. Leoni am Starnberger See: Druffel Verlag, 1976. By the same author as the above volume, but basically unchanged. Carries Mölders' story up to his death in November, 1941 and beyond.
* von Stackelberg, Karl-Georg. LEGION CONDOR: Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien. Berlin: Verlag der Heimbucherei, 1939. Pure propaganda!
* Alexandrov, Andrew and Gennadi Petrov. MESSERSCHMITT BF109B-1, Part 1. Skyways No. 29, January 1994.
* ______. MESSERSCHMITT BF109B-1, Part 2. Skyways No. 30, April 1994.
* ______. HEINKEL HE111B-1. Skyways No. 32, 1994.
* Abellan Agius, Estanislao. LOS CHATOS EN ESPANA, Part I. Aeroplano No. 7.
* ______. LOS CHATOS EN ESPANA, Part II. La Escuadrilla "Vasca." Aeroplano No. 8.
* ______. LOS CHATOS EN ESPANA, Part III. Aeroplano No. 10,
* Allen, Richard Sanders. ORDER NO. 9063 - THE GRUMMAN/CCF G-23s FOR SPAIN. High Flight, Vol. 1, No. 4.
* Arraez Cerda, Juan. PEZ ESPADA. Modelismo y Historia #47, 1990.
* ______. BREDA BA.65 EN LA GUERRA DE ESPANA. Modelismo y Historia, August 1983.
* ______. EL JUNKERS JU52: Un Hito en la Historia Aeronautica. Staffel No. 15, 1981.
* ______. SAVOIA MARCHETTI SM.79. Modelismo y Historia, June 1983.
* ______. ESE GRAN DESCONOCIDO: El Northrop 5B Gamma de la Aviacion Republicana. Avion #8, 1993.
* Arraez Cerda, Juan and Felix Tejedor. EL HENSCHEL HS123 "ANGELITO." Staffel #10.
* Azaola Reyes, Luis Ignacio "Canario." EN HOMENAJE Y EN RECUERDO (Two parts). Aeroplano No. 4, November 1986 and No. 5, December 1986.
* Bartels, Dennis A. and Raymond L. Proctor. A QUERY AND A REPLY: Regarding Losses of the Condor Legion, the Aviacion Legionaria and the Spanish Nationalist Air Force During the Spanish Civil War. Aerospace Historian, Summer 1981.
* Blake, Steve. MORATO. Fighter Pilots in Aerial Combat No. 3, Winter 1982.
* Calvo Diago, Joaquin. LA SEGUNDA ESCUADRILLA DE CHATOS 1938-1939. Aeroplano No. 12, Año 1994.
* Danel, Raymond and Jean Cuny. DEWOITINE D. 370 A 376: LES DERNIERS CHASSEURS PARASOLS FRANCAIS. Le Fanatique de l'Aviation, N.d.
* Emiliani, Angelo. IN SPAGNA L'ASORDIO DEL CAPRONI 310. Aerofan, N.d.
* ______. LA DEFESA AERIA DI BARCELONA (Including Spanish translation from the original Italian, via Tom Sarbaugh. N.d.)
* ______. BATTAGLIA SULL 'EBRO: Ottobre 1938. Aerofan April/June, 1996.
* ______. UN GIALLO LA MORTE DI GARCIA MORATO. JP-4, April 1996.
* Engel, Carlos. LAS PERDIDAS DE AVIONES EN LA GUERRA DE ESPANA. Historia y Vida, February 1995.
* Falco, Jose. MES DERNIERS VICTOIRES: Fevrier 1939. Le Fanatique de l'Aviation, February 1995.
* Fernandez, Jose. LE HENSCHEL HS123 (Part 2) Avions No. 6, August 1993.
* ______. LE SAVOIA SM.79 EN ESPAGNE (Part 1) Avions No. 6, August 1993.
* ______. LE SAVOIA SM.79 EN ESPAGNE (Part 2) Avions No. 7, September 1993.
* ______. L' ARADO 95 (Part 1) Avions No. 10, December 1993.
* Garcia Martinez, Luis. LOS KATIUSKAS. Air Enthusiast No. 32, N.d.
* ______. TABLADA: COMIENZO Y FINAL DEL "109": Primera Parte: La Guerra Civil. Air Sonic No. 16, January 1984.
* ______. LOS "PEDROS" EN ESPANA. Air Sonic No. 8, July 1981.
* ______. LA CRUZ DE SAN ANDRES, SUS AVIONES Y EMBLEMAS (Seven parts). Air Sonic No. 3, November 1980; No. 4, December 1980; No.5, January 1981; No. 7, April 1981; No. 9, May 1983; No. 11, July/August 1983 and No. 13, October 1983.
* Ghergo, Guiseppe F. AIR WAR OVER SPAIN: The Activity of the 19a Sq. XXVIII Gr. 8 St. B.V. "Falche della Baleari" from November 1938 (from Sq. Operations Book). 1919-1939 Air Wars, June 1988.
* Gonzalez Serrano, Jose Luis. EL GRUMMAN DELFIN EN EL EJERCITO DE AIRE. Aeroplano No. 12, Año 1994.
* GRUMMAN BY ANY OTHER NAME, A. Air Enthusiast No. 9. No author/no date.
* Guttman, John. SOVIET FIGHTERS ON THREE FRONTS. Aviation History, July 1995.
* Haycraft, James B. THE I-153 IN SPAIN? A NEW LOOK. Small Air Forces Observer, Vol. 11, No. 4. October 1987.
* Herr, Allen. AMERICAN PILOTS IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Fall 1977.
* ______. ON THE EDGE OF GREATNESS: The Aviation Career of Charles D. Koch. Journal of the American Avition Historical Society, Fall 1985.
* ______. EAGLES OVER MALAGA: American Pilots in the Spanish Civil War 1937. Air Enthusiast, Jan/Feb 1999, No. 79.
* Herrera Alonso, Emilio. SEMBLANZAS: Manuel Zarauza Clavero (1917-1942). Revista de Aeronautica y Astronautica, April 1989.
* ______. SEMBLANZAS: Carlos de Haya Gonzalez (1902-1938). Revista de Aeronautica y Astronautica, March 1989.
* ______. UN ANFIBIO SOLITARIO EN LA AVIACION MILITAR ESPANOLA: El Fairchild 91. Air Sonic No. 4, December 1980.
* ______. EL FUGAZ PASO DE LOS SAVOIA S-55X POR EL CIELO DE ESPANA EN GUERRA. Air Sonic No. 3, November 1980.
* ______. VIRIATOS DO AR: Aviadores Portugueses en la Guerra de España. Aeroplano No. 12, Año 1994.
* Howson, Gerald. CONTRABAND WINGS OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR: Britain's Clandestine Contribution. Air Enthusiast No. 10, N.d.
* ______. A SEVERSKY IN THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR. Air Enthusiast No. 18, N.d.
* LA GUERRE D'ESPAGNE 1936-1939, Tome 1, Les Republicains (Various authors) Icare No. 118.
* LA GUERRE D'ESPAGNE 1936-1939, Tome 2, Les Republicains (Various authors) Icare No. 130.
* LA GUERRE D'ESPAGNE 1936-1939, Tome 3, Les Nationalistes (various authors) Icare No. 149.
* Landis, Arthur H. AMERICAN FLIERS IN SPANISH SKIES. Air Combat, Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1975.
* Laureau, Patrick. POLIKARPOV I-15 "CHATO" (Two parts). Le Fanatique de l'Aviation No. 102, May 1978 and No. 103, June 1978.
* ______. HAWKER SPANISH FURY (Two parts). Le Fanatique de l'Aviation No. 121, December, 1979 and No. 122, January 1980.
* ______. HISPANO-NIEUPORT 52: Un Chasseur Francais Se Bat en Espagne (Three parts). Le Fanatique de l'Aviation No. 137, April 1981; No. 138, May 1981 and No. 139, June 1981.
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* ______. POTEZ 540 EN ESPAGNE (Two parts). Le Fanatique de l'Aviation No. 134, January 1981 and No. 135, February 1981.
* ______. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE (Two parts). Wings, September, 1982 (Part I) and Airpower, October, 1982 (Part II).
* Levastre, Pierre, et. al. THE SAGA OF THE UBIQUITOUS BREGUET. Air Enthusiast No. 7, N.d..
* Luque Arana, J. Ignacio and Jose Manuel Diaz. MESSER EN ESPANA: Parte 1, Desarrollo Tecnico y Guerra Civil Española - Primera Acciones. Modelismo y Historia No. 41, 1987.
* ______. MESSER EN ESPANA: Parte 2, De Teruel al Final. Modelismo y Historia No. 42, 1987.
* MESSERSCHMITT OVER SPAIN. Air Enthusiast No. 7, N.d.
* Marti, S.F. A LA BUSCA DEL AVION PERDIDO. Alas Gloriosas - Boletin Informativo 35, September/October, 1984. Published by the Asociation de Aviadores de la Republica (A.D.A.R.), Barcelona.
* Mianda, Justo. PERFILES PARA LA HISTORIA DEL POLIKARPOV I-16 EN ESPANA (Four parts). Air Sonic No. 14, November 1983; No. 15, December 1983; No. 16, January 1984 and No. 17, February 1984.
* ______. THE LETOV CZECH FIGHTER SERIES. 1919-1939 Air Wars No. 11, September 1987.
* Mizrahi, Joseph. THE PHANTOM BRIGADE: A Volunteer in Spain. Wings Vol.2, No. 2. April, 1972.
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* Proctor, Raymond. THEY FLEW FROM POLLENSA BAY. Aerospace Historian, December 1977.
* Sarbaugh, Thomas. POTEZ 540-542: ANDRE MALRAUX, L'ESPOIR/SIERRA DE TERUEL AND THE SQUADRON ESPANA. 1919-1939 Air Wars, September 1986.
* ______. JOSE FALCO SAN MARTIN AND THE CATALONIAN CAMPAIGN. Skyways No. 29, January 1994.
* Salas Larrazabal, Jesus. CAZAS RUSOS EN LA GUERRA CIVIL: Historia del I-15 en España. Modelismo y Historia, No. 1.
* ______. EL ZUMBIDO DE LOS MOSCAS: Historia del I-16 en España. Modelismo y Historia, February 1983.
* ______. LA BATALLA AEREA DE MADRID (November 1936). Aeroplano No. 5, December 1987.
* ______. LA BATALLA DEL JARAMA. Aeroplano No. 4, November 1986.
* ______. EL DIA MAS ACIAGO DE LOS NATACHAS: Nochebuena de 1938. Aeroplano No. 3, 1984.
* ______. LA LUCHA AEREA EN ARAGON A MEDIADOS DE OCTUBRE DE 1937. Aeroplano No. 6, March 1989.
* ______. LA APORTACION DE MATERIAL AEREO POR PARTE DE LOS PRINCIPALES PAISES EXTRANJEROS, Part I: Generalidades y Ayuda a la Republica. Aeroplano No. 7, October 1989.
* ______. AYUDA EXTRANJERA, Part III. Aeroplano No. 12, Año 1994.
* ______. COMENTARIOS AL ARTICULO "LOS CHATOS EN ESPANA." Aeroplano No. 8, November 1990.
* SOVIET FLIES IN SPANISH SKIES. Air Enthusiast No. 1, N.d.
* Trautloft, Hannes. MIT DER "USARAMO" NACH CADIZ. Jägerblatt, N.d.
* Varo Estacio, Rafael. EL FIAT CR-32 "CHIRRI." Star Kits No. 1, 1982.
* Varo Estacio, Rafael and Gerardo Diaz de Castro. NOBLE CORCEL EN LOS CIELOS DE ESPANA: HAWKER SPANISH FURY. Modelismo y Historia No. 1, N.d.
* Whelan, Paul. SPAIN 1936: The First Airlift. 1919-1939 Air Wars No. 20, Winter 1989.
* ______. THE BLUE PATROL: La Patrulla Azul and the Spanish Nationalist Fiat Groups. 1919-1939 Air Wars No. 7, September 1986.
* ______. TRAUTLOFT AND THE FIRST 109s. SPAIN 1936. 1919-1939 Air Wars No. 2, June 1985.
* ______. EMIL EN ESPANA. 1919-1939 Air Wars No. 22, Summer 1990.
* ______. A CAMOUFLAGED BF109 IN SPAIN. Small Air Forces Observer No. 29, October 1983.
* ______. FIGHTER CAMOUFLAGE IN THE LEGION CONDOR. Scale Aircraft Modeling, 1993.
* Whelan, Paul and Tom Sarbaugh. MUSSOLINI'S EAGLES OVER GUERNICA, APRIL 26, 1937. Journal of the Society of Basque Studies in America, Vol. IX 1989.