The below is an incomplete list of the armored vehicles used in the Spanish Civil War.
All the various one-off versions built in some local workshop are not included here, making a complete list of those would be inpossible task.

BT-5 (Carro Medio Rapido BT-5) (USSR)
Carro de asalto y Transporte IGC (Sadurni de Noya) (Spain)
Carro de Combate Ligero Trubia 75A Modelo 1926
Carro Ligero Trubia Modelo 1936 (Carro Ligero Euzkadi) (Spain) "Tanque de Juguete"
CV 3-33 (Carro Ligero Rapido CV 3-33) (Italy)
CV 3-35 (Carro Ligero Rapido CV 3-35) (Italy)
CV 3-35 Lanciafiamme (Carro Ligero Rapido CV 3-35 version Lanzallamas) (Italy)
FT-17M & FT-17C (Carro Ligero de infantería Renault M 1917 FT) (France)
M-16 CA.1 (Carro Pesado de Artilleria M 16 CA1) (France)
Panzerbefehlswagen I (Germany)
PzKpfw I ausf A (Carro Ligero Pz Kpfw I ausf A) (Germany)
PzKpfw I ausf B (Carro Ligero Pz Kpfw II ausf B) (Germany)
T-26 B (Carro Ligero de Infanteria T-26 B) (USSR)

Armored Cars
Autoametralladora blindado medio Chevrolet 1937 (Spain)
BA-3 (Autoblindado BA-3) (USSR)
BA-6 (Autoblindado BA-6) (USSR)
Carro Blindado Bilbao Modelo 1932 (Spain)
FA-1 (Autoametralladora Ligera FA-1) (USSR)
1ZII (Autoametralladora Lancia Ansaldo IZII) (Italy)
1ZIIM (Autoametralladora Lancia Ansaldo IZII) (Italy, locally modified)
TOB No. 1 (Tractor Oruga Blindado N o 1) (Spain)
UNL-35 (UNL=Union Naval de Levante)