The 7. Division was formed in 1936. Following the Anschluss when Austria became a part of Germany it was used to form 3. Gebirgs-Division.

At Lamprechtshausen in the province of Salzburg the second company of Osttiroler Alpenjägerbataillon Andreas Hofer Nr.3 took fought against Austrian Nazi putschists on 28 July 1934. Two soldiers were killed in the fighting with three wounded and six of the Nazis were killed. The Nazi propaganda later claimed they had been executed.


Generalmajor Albert Oberweger (1 Feb 1936 - 30 Sep 1936)
Generalmajor Eduard Barger (1 Oct 1936 - ? Mar 1938)

Order of battle

Kärntner Infanterieregiment Nr.7
Kärntner und Osttiroler Leichtes Artillerieregiment Nr.7
Kärntner Alpenjägerbataillon Nr.1
Osttiroler Alpenjägerbataillon Andreas Hofer Nr.3
Kärntner Alpenjägerbataillon Nr.5
Kärntner und Osttiroler Pionierbataillon Nr.7
Telegraphen-Bataillon 7
Division-Kraftfahr-Abteilung 7

Sources used

Research by Glenn Jewison & Peter Kreuzer
Wolfgang Etschmann - Die Kämpfe in Österreich im Juli 1934

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -