
Date Instituted

1 April 1942


Taken part in the fighting on the Eastern front.

Ribbon worn on the ribbon bar


Number Awarded



Several different bars could be added to this medal: Azow, Basarabiam, Bucovina, Bug, Calmucia, Caucaz, Crimea, Dobrogea, Donet, Marea Neagru, Mistru, Nipru, Odesa and Stalingrad

It could also be awarded to foreigners.

Two types of this medal exsist, the first has the designer name "P.GRANT" under the head of the female Romania, the other version is without the name "P.GRANT" and are believed to have been produced under licence in Germany.

Photos courtesty of Craig Wagner

Sources used

David Littlejohn - Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, vol 4