The SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 14 was formed in Buchenwald in April 1940 from parts of SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 6, SS-Totenkopf-Standarte 9 & SS-Totenkopf-Rekreuten-Standarte.
It was transferred to Copenhagen, Denmark, in May 1940 and to the Netherlands in November 1940.
It was redesignated SS-Infanterie-Regiment 14 in February 1941 and attached to 2. SS-Infanterie Brigade.


SS-Obersturmbannführer Georg Martin

Manpower strength

July 1940 2.619

Sources used

Dr. K-G Klietmann - Die Waffen-SS: eine Dokumentation
Kurt Mehner - Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -