The SS-Jagdverband Südwest was formed from the Brandenburg unit Streifkorps Südfrankreich when it was transferred to the Waffen-SS in September 1944.
It fought the Italian partisans along the French-Italian border until January 1945 when it launched long-range patrols behind the lines of the US 7th Army. It withdrew towards Austria and was planned to join the other Jagdverbände in Linz, but it is unkown if it suceeded.


SS-Hauptsturmführer Gerlach

Order of battle

SS-Jagdeinsatz Italien
SS-Jagdeinsatz Nordfrankreich
SS-Jagdeinsatz Südfrankreich

Sources used

Kurt Mehner - Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945
Antonio J. Munoz - Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of the Waffen-SS

Reference material on this unit

Antonio J. Munoz - Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of the Waffen-SS