The SS-Jagdverband Mitte was formed 10 November 1944 when SS-Jäger-Bataillon 502 was redesignated.
It took part in the Ardennes offensive as a part of Panzer-Brigade 150 wearing American uniforms and using American equipment. After the failure in the Ardennes the men received a brief leave before being sent to fight the Red Army on the Oder. In April 1945 it was sent to Austria to fight in the Alpine Redoubt and it ended the war in Linz.

At least two volunteers from Ireland fought in SS-Jagdverband Mitte, SS-Uscha James Brady (aka de Lacy) and SS-Mann Frank Stringer (aka Le Page).


SS-Sturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny     
SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl Fucker     

Order of battle

3 x Rifle company
Heavy weapons company
4 x Legionnaire company (foreign volunteers)

Sources used

Kurt Mehner - Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945
Antonio J. Munoz - Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of the Waffen-SS
Adrian Weale - Renegades: Hitler's Englishmen

Reference material on this unit

Antonio J. Munoz - Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of the Waffen-SS
Terence O’Reilly - Hitler's Irishmen
Hans Post - One man in his time