The formation of Armeekorps z.V. was ordered formally per 4 February 1945 through a wireless message by RFSS Himmler, sent on 3 February 1945. By that the restructuring and redesignation of the before Division z.V. was sanctioned officially and the creation of a single command for all the V 1 and V 2 missions was executed in practice finally. Per 31 January 1945 the merging of all rocket operations and frontline units under one headquarter was ordered already (KTB/OKW).
From 4 Feb 1945 on the organisational handling of the V 1 and V 2 missions within the Wehrmachtführungsstab was shifted from the Lw Operationsabteilung to the one of the Heer (KTB/OKW). With the appointment to "Sonderbevollmächtigter Z des Reichsführers-SS" on 6 February 1945 Kammler ultimately had become the commanding officer of all "V" weapon units and operations.
“z.V.” in contrast to “z.b.V.” (often and commonly used to denote a staff/unit for special purpose) is a unique appendix for a unit designation ! It means “zur Vergeltung” [for restribution / retaliation] and is derived from the naming of the rockets as so-called “Vergeltungswaffen” (V-Waffen).
The remnants of the Korps were subordinated to AOK Blumentritt on 11 April 1945. With a Korps order from 17 April 1945 a restructuring to the fully motorized "Infanterie-Division z.V." under the command of Oberst Gerlach von Gaudecker-Zuch took place. Assigned to XXXXI. Pz.Korps under the 12. Armee this division surrendered on its own initiative against the 29th US Infantry Division on 1 May 1945.


SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler (27 Jan 1945 – 11 Apr 1945) (1)

Area of operations

Western Front- (Jan 1945 – April 1945)

Order of battle

V 2 :
- Division z.V.
V 1 :
- 5. Flak-Division (W)
- Flak-Regiment 155 (W)
- Flak-Regiment ?? (anti-aircraft protection)
- Luftnachrichten-Abteilung 155
?: Flak-Regiment 255 (W) , planned ?

Fieseler Fi 103 (V1) being prepared for take-off
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)


1. Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler was promoted to SS-Obergruppenführer during March 1945, with RDA vom 1 March 45 ; this is the most probable fact, although the date of his promotion is not precisely to find in any documentation.

Sources used

BA-MA RH 24-30
Kriegstagebuch OKW
Andreas Schulz, Günter Wegman & Dieter Zinke - Deutschlands Generale und Admirale, Teil V: Die Generale der Waffen-SS und der Polizei 1933-1945, Band 2 (Biblio-Verlag Bissendorf 2005)
Steven J Zaloga - German V-weapon sites 1943-1945
Steven J Zaloga - V-2 Ballistic Missile 1942-52

Reference material on this unit

After the Battle, No 114 - The V3 and V4