The I. SS Panzerkorps Leibstandarte was formed in the summer 1943 at Berlin-Lichterfelde and fought on the southern sector of the Eastern front before being transferred to Belgium early 1944. It later fought in Normandy, the Ardennes and Hungary before ending the war near Vienna, Austria.


SS-Oberstgruppenführer Josef Dietrich (4 July 1943 - 9 Aug 1944)
SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Krämer (9 Aug 1944 - 16 Aug 1944)
SS-Obergruppenführer Georg Keppler (16 Aug 1944 - 30 Oct 1944)
SS-Obergruppenführer Hermann Priess (30 Oct 1944 - 8 May 1945)

Chef des Stabes  

SS-Brigadeführer Fritz Krämer (27 July 1943 - 1 Oct 1944)
SS-Obersturmführer Robert Lehmann (1 Oct 1944 - 10 Mar 1945)
SS-Obersturmführer Albert Stückler (10 Mar 1945 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations  

Germany (June 1943 - Aug 1943)
France & Belgium (Aug 1943 - Sep 1943)
Italy (Sep 1943 - Dec 1943)
Belgium & France (Dec 1943 - Dec 1944)
Ardennes (Dec 1944 - Jan 1945)
Western Germany (Jan 1945 - Mar 1945)
Hungary & Austria (Mar 1945 - May 1945)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the German Cross in Silver (3)
- Besuden, Dr. Hermann, 10.01.1945, SS-Standartenführer, Korpsarzt I. SS-Pz.Korps “LSSAH”
- Ewert, Walter, 09.11.1943, SS-Obersturmbannführer, Qu I. SS-Pz.Korps “LSSAH”
- Gross, Helmut, 09.09.1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer, Korps-Ingenieur I. SS-Pz.Korps “LSSAH”
Holders of the Knight's Cross (1)
- Diamonds
-- Dietrich, Josef ("Sepp") 06.08.1944 [16. Br] SS-Oberstgruppenführer und Generaloberst der Waffen-SS K.G. I. SS-Pz.Korps „LSSAH"

Order of battle - Korpstruppen

Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 / 501
Schwere SS-Panzer-Aufklärung Abteilung 501
SS-Artillerie-Abteilung 101 / 501
SS-Flak Abteilung 101
SS-Flak Kompanie
SS-Werfer-Abteilung 101 (1)
SS-Vielfachwerfer-Batterie (mot.) 101 / 501
SS-Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilung 101 / 501
Schwere SS-Beobachtungs-Batterie 101 / 501
SS-Wehrgeologen-Battailon 101
SS-Korps-Nachschub-Trp. 101
SS-Kraftfahr-Kompanie 101
SS-Korps-Sanitäts-Abteilung 101
SS-Feldlazarett 501
SS-Krankenkraftwagen-Zug 501
SS-Feldpostamt (mot.) 101
SS-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie (mot.)
SS-Feldgendarmerie-Kompanie 101 (mot.)
SS-Korps-Sich.-Kompanie 101
SS-Feldersatz-Brigade GK I.SS-Panzer K. / 101
SS-z.b.V.-Einheit 101

Notable members

Josef "Sepp" Dietrich (Member of the Reichstag, Holder of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds)


The tactical marking of the corps was two crossed skeleton-keys (dietrich in German) on a shield with oak leaves below the shield.

Tiger tanks of the I SS Panzerkorps in France in the spring of 1944

(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

SS-Oberstgruppenführer Josef "Sepp" Dietrich in France 1944
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)


1. SS-Werfer-Abteilung 101 was formed in July 1943 but was reformed into schwere SS-Artillerie-Abteilung 101 in February 1944.

Sources used

Roger James Bender & Hugh Page Taylor - Uniforms, Organization and History of the Waffen-SS, vol 2
Stan Cook & Roger James Bender - Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler: Uniforms, Organization & History
Georges M. Croisier - Waffen-SS (PDF)
Dr. K-G Klietmann - Die Waffen-SS: eine Dokumentation
Kurt Mehner - Die Waffen-SS und Polizei 1939-1945
Samuel W. Mitcham Jr - The Panzer Legions: A guide to the German Army Tank Divisions of WWII and Their Commanders
Marc J. Rikmenspoel - Waffen-SS Encyclopedia
James C. Steuard - Tactical Markings of the Waffen-SS, Part 1 (in AFV-G2 Vol 4 No 3)
Mark C. Yerger - Waffen-SS Commanders: The Army, corps and divisional leaders of a legend (2 vol)

Reference material on this unit

Hans Bayer - A Dog's Life
Thomas Fischer - Von Berlin bis Caen: Entwicklung und Einsätze der Divisions- und Korps-Artillerie der LAH 1939-1945
George Nipe - Last Victory in Russia: The SS-Panzerkorps and Manstein's Kharkov Counteroffensive February-March 1943
David Porter - 1 SS Panzer Corps at Villers-Bocage: 13 July 1944
Michael Reynolds - Men of Steel: I SS Panzer Corps: The Ardennes and Eastern Front
Michael Reynolds - Steel Inferno: I SS Panzer Corps in Normandy