The Raggruppamento Centri Militari was formed July 1942 from POWs and foreign nationals living in Italy.
It was redesignated Raggruppamento Frecce Rosse ("Detachment Red Arrows") in August 1942, the commander Invrea had led a party with that name during  the Spanish Civil War.


Tenente-Colonnello di Stato Maggiore Massimo Invrea

Order of battle

Battaglione d'Assalto Tunisia (formerly Centro T)
Gruppo Italo-Arabo (formerly Centro A)
Battaglione Azad Hindostan (formerly Centro I)
- Compagnie Fucilieri
- Compagnie Mitraglieri
- Plotone Paracadutisti

Sources used

Ruolo Ufficiali Regio Esercito (January 1943)

Reference material on this unit

Martin Bamber - For Free India: Indian soldiers in Germany and Italy during the Second World War